wood or aluminum?


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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Minier, Il
ok so i bought a new 2008 leftover tracker grizzly 1448 from bass pro in gurnee il. well i was told that it had a floor in it and turns out it did not...well they are going to put a floor in it free of charge and wanted to know if i wanted aluminum or wood for flooring......i told them i wanted aluminum but than they proceded to tell me that i would not like a metal floor due to noise and what not.....any of you that have done a aluminum floor do you have a noise problem?
If foam board is installed it will deaden noise and add flotation
aluminum all the way if it is loud put some hydroturf on it.

sounds like they want to save money. i would check the thickness they are putting in i would want less than 1/8
i don't remember what they told me the thickness....i know the boat is 100ga i think they said something like 62gauge or something close
.062" would be 16 gauge. I've used this thickness for floors in my boats, and as long as you have foam board between the ribs, and you rivet the floor to each rib, there shouldn't be any issues with noise or vibration.
Aluminum all the way. Its lighter and won't ever rot or get soggy.

If its noisy, just through down some really cheap carpet .... you can swap out carpet every couple of years if it gets nasty.
Think about it this way....if they put down alluminum then if you think its noisy you can always install wood over it at the worst...carpet or something would be even cheaper and easier...Tell them use the aluminum. They are just trying to save themselves money from their mess up. It will never rot and even with out foam under it you'll be good.

If you can get them to install foam too then your good to go. I'd insist on that actually...even if I had to buy the foam sheets for them...(home depot or lowes and cut it to the right size)

Just my 2 cents worth
well they are picking the boat up next monday and they actually decided agaisn't wooded cause their tech said he didn't want to do something they couldn't warranty....how ever they will not install foam under it.(i asked) they said it would block water from flowing to the back of the boat....well whatever......looks like i am getting a metal floor :D
Well depending on the design of the floor he could be right....not a deal breaker in my mind. It sounds like your gonna have a nice setup.