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I am looking to upgrade to a 90 HP four stroke and looking at Yamaha and Mercury this is for an 18 ft. Crestliner a CXJ 1870 anybody have any thoughts about which one is better?
Thanks, RB
Thanks, RB
Provided a reputable dealer is near you, I'd go for a Tohatsu/Nissan or Suzuki over those other brands. A Yummieha would be my last choice ...
The triples only go up to 60hp. 75+ are 4 cylinders.As mentioned the dealer should be a major consideration. I wanted a Suzuki Df115 when it was time to repower from a 115 Yamaha 2 stroke.I had a dt100 years ago that gave good service and I was a certified Suzuki mechanic years ago. The local Yamaha dealer that I had a relationship with made me a deal on a f115 along the money I saved on having the controls and prop it was over $2000.00 difference. I have just over 100 hrs and had 1 sparkplug fail at 69 hrs. Other than that it's been flawless. They've also let me try props whenever i want to on my f115 and f25.There are 3 yamaha dealer within 30 miles 2 Suzuki dealers, The Suzuki dealers don't stock near as much parts as the Yamaha dealers. I never was a Mercury fan but the 90 is a good looking motor (1 major dealer) For compactness the 3cyl Suzuki is nice but likely can't match the other's 4cyl for torque. You can't buy a bad running motor nowadays but you will need the dealer eventually.
Merc has been using timing chains since 07 I think, when the Verado first came out.Which one has a long lasting timing chain and not a corner cutting belt? Hint it starts with an "S".