[url=https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=361147#p361147 said:
shu2kill » July 27th, 2014, 10:52 am[/url]"]i was about to ask if you had already taken the boat to the water, when i read your last post.... as you already discovered, this boats are really unstable.... i have managed to fish standing up when all by myself, but with another person, its impossible, if one is going to lean over to pick a fish, the other one must move to the other side. thats why im fabricating a set of pontoons, to help me stabilize the boat and hopefully allow me to add raised seats. i will only use the boat on a very small electric only lake, so maybe the pontoons are not a good option for you, but its something to consider, specially now that you realized how easy it is to flip over the boat.