Ok.. Update time.

I actually feel like I got something accomplished on my tin.
I had been grinding on getting the paint off until I completely wore out the stripping disk and wire brush on my angle grinder, so that's on hold until payday.
Today with a bit of help from my dremel tool grinding wheel and my neighbors drill I managed to grind a flat spot on all the rivets that needed it then drilled them out and got all three bench seats out of the boat.
The aft and middle benches had braces in the center from the bench bottom to the boat floor and I wanted to leave the braces in but I couldn't stand on my head long enough to drill out the rivets on the bench bottoms, so I opted to drill out the rivets going from the braces thru the hull. Figured out just which rivets they were, rolled the boat over so I could get to the bottom. I flattened to round tops of the rivets with the dremel then drilled them out. Whyalla.... Benches out...
Tomorrow I'll give it all a good pressure washing then start figuring out just how I'm gonna get a flat floor inside. I don't want to make it to high but would like a little more than just 36" also. I'm planning on a small deck up on the bow, mostly to create a storage area for the battery, PFDs, anchor, etc. and a small deck in the aft for the spare fuel jug and bilge pump and baling bucket.
As usual, any comments, ideas and thought are invited and welcome. I learn from ya'll so please bring it on...