Inflatable Life Jacket Storage

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TinBoats Supporter
Oct 6, 2020
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Hanover Virginia
Recently there was a great conversation about life jackets in which I am looking to purchase 2 auto/manual inflatable soon. My question is about storing them. Can they be stored in the boat under cover with out any issues? I do get a fair amount of rain where I live and sometimes it will get "dewy" under the cover. Can they be stored in like a giant zip lock bag to keep them from getting damp. Or should I just leave them in the truck? How do yall store yours. Thanks for any info. I have a 14 foot Jon so I dont really have a "storage locker"
Try before you buy !! Thought I wanted one as well, went to local BP store and the kind folks let me wear one around the store for well over a half hour. Very uncomfortable as they are heavy. In fairness I also have bad shoulders and that extra weight caused discomfort, much discomfort !! So...yes they are a good thing, but are you comfortable wearing one for a long period of time and going thru with the needed maintenence and rearming every so often ??
I keep all my graphs, remote, and lifejacket in the truck, stowed in a tote from Walmart.

They are not that sensitive to rain and spray, but as damp as some boat compartments can be, I wouldn't leave one in there.

I believe there are some models made that will only activate with full submersion, the pressure differential sets them off. I would think you are safe with one of those, but I still wouldn't want to store one in a boat compartment because of mildew and all that.
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I have a large waterproof storage bin that I keep all my life jackets in, and I place it underneath the middle bench seat in my 14 ft mirrocraft. It also gives the bench seat some support underneath if a large person sits in the swivel seat on top.
I keep mine in the shop with my fishing tackle so they stay dry and warm. Don't know about any other state than NC, but here it mush be worn to be counted as a PFD.
Here's a picture of my life jacket storage bin underneath the middle bench seat.
As stated above, it also provides support for the portly angler....
Like my fat dog here demonstrates.
I like that idea. I have been looking for crates to go under my seat but this would be better. Thanks.
Years ago I had one go off in the back seat of my truck when it got real hot and humid in there. Since then my self-inflatable lives in a special bag that I call the "day" bag that comes on and off the boat as I do and does not stay in the truck for any long amount of time.
The only time I've ever had one "go off" was one day I was duck hunting and wading across a creek. Got a little deep and WHAM, that SOB scared the crap out of me... I bought a manual model for use with the waders and leave the auto models at home on duck days...
I have no issues with my low tech ski vest. I can't even tell it's on really. Just throwing that out there.
Recently there was a great conversation about life jackets in which I am looking to purchase 2 auto/manual inflatable soon. My question is about storing them. Can they be stored in the boat under cover with out any issues? I do get a fair amount of rain where I live and sometimes it will get "dewy" under the cover. Can they be stored in like a giant zip lock bag to keep them from getting damp. Or should I just leave them in the truck? How do yall store yours. Thanks for any info. I have a 14 foot Jon so I dont really have a "storage locker"
Don’t store in your boat at all. The bobbin will eventually get enough moisture to it and it will deploy itself. You may be wearing it on a sunny day and it deploy. Ziplock bags will still accumulate enough humidity eventually.
If you have to run through some swells like I sometimes do I’ll get water spray on me and a little ran as well. It won’t deploy in these conditions. You’d have to get soaked. But if it happens a few times I check the bobbin and see if it’s starting to deteriorate so I can replace it before it deploys. That’s cheaper that a whole recharge kit. And keeps away surprises.
I tack mine after every trip and put it in the net bag it came with and hang it in a closet in the house. Not one in a bathroom where you take showers and bath.
I really like mine. I’m in Texas and a regular vest will cause you to loose weight in the summer if you don’t pass out. I wear this one 100% of the time I’m on the water and forget I have it on.
Same in California. My understanding is inflatable PFDs are not considered "readily accessible" unless they are worn. Might be a USCG ruling but not sure.
Yes they must be worn or it’s not counted as a aPFD. I keep my regular PFD in the boat Incase Anything happens to mine while I’m wearing it.
But that’s the whole point of an inflatable is so it can be worn 100% on the time on the water. Like I keep saying I forget I even have it on it’s comfortable.
I almost messed up the other day. I beached the boat and got out to walk around back to the stern so I could adjust the height of the new transducer. I thought about it when the water got almost waist high and took it off. If I would have slipped on something while reaching the transducer it would have deployed.
And I’m not giving my fishing partner a chance to laugh that much.
I've tried looking for that "must be worn to be counted as a PFD" requirement in the Iowa regs, but I haven't found it. I still wear mine all the time. I also wore my traditional PFD all the time; I eventually went to the auto-inflatable because it's much cooler and more comfortable.
In NORMAL circumstances I wear mine continuously, BUT when I am hunting and know I'll need to shoulder a gun I have to take it off. There's no way to mount a gun with one on and have any chance of shooting!!

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