1436 SeaNymph


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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Western Maryland
Hi All,

Here's my new project it's a 1448 Jon and trailer that I picked up for $75! It had been for sale in a neighbor's yard for some time with a for sale sign $400. A week went by and the sign was changed to $300... then $200, and it sat and sat. For good reason, it's a pretty ugly boat and no wiring works on either boat or trailer. So after about a month passed I went up and took a closer look. The guy came out and we started to talk. I told him I'd haul it away if he paid me. He laughed and said, "$100, and it's yours." I said I'd give him $50, he countered with $75... SOLD!

So anyways here it is.

It doesn't leak and the trailers hubs are good. Just need repacking.

The haggard hideous blue carpet is outta here. So is the seat and post. On the middle seat the original owner wrapped a board in carpet and screwed it down to the aluminum seat with drywall screws. The screws are of course rusted and the board is now just a pulpy mass.

The back seat is junk too and is outta here. The transom board ply is separating and will be replaced. Maybe even do a high back transom if I'm feeling ambitious.

Overall a solid boat at a steal of a price.

I'll post more pics as work progresses. Which may take awhile as I've been pretty short on "boat" time.
Boat and trailer for $75...great buy. Heck around here you would be lucky to but one tire for $75. Look forward to pics of your mods.
:shock: What a dealllllllllllllllllllllll.If you run up anymore steals like that i will drive from Tn. and pickit up.LOOKS LIKE A KEEPER. :)
Captain Ahab said:
That is a great deal - Sea Nymph is a good boat (it is actually a Lund I believe)
Lets try Lowe instead of Lund.

That was a heck of a steal. Around here, that boat alone would have sold for 400, and from Macon on towards the coast, that trailer would have fetched 250 or more.
bassboy1 said:
Captain Ahab said:
That is a great deal - Sea Nymph is a good boat (it is actually a Lund I believe)
Lets try Lowe instead of Lund.

That was a heck of a steal. Around here, that boat alone would have sold for 400, and from Macon on towards the coast, that trailer would have fetched 250 or more.

Yeah, I figured even if it had holes like swiss cheese, I could still scrap the aluminum and sell the trailer and recoup my cash. Actually, I may have fibed a little. :---) After agreeing on the $75 price he told me he has been out of work for awhile and needed to raise some cash where he could. So I went ahead and gave him $100. But... I just had to brag up my hagglin skills a bit. 8)

Any idea when SeaNymph became Lowe? There is no indication of a model year on the boat.
Not sure of that. I do know that Sea Nymph and Grumman were OMC owned, and had identical boats for the longest of times. Then, either Lowe bought them when OMC went under or something, so the modern Lowe jon and utility boats are called the Sea Nymph series.
Ok, had a really busy weekend but managed to get to work on the boat a bit. I got all the carpet pulled up and much to my surprise I'm moding a mod. It appears someone fabricated a deck out of aluminum.

It's solid and well built so I figure I'll keep it and work it in to my design. The only thing I can't figure is why they did such a nice job fabing the deck and then they used steel rivets to install it.

I guess these things are nav lights... look more like Jujubees to me... your guess is as good as mine. At any rate, they are outta here and being replace with a real nav light. I'm not sure of the function of the aluminum plate riveted to the top. It's hard to see in this photo but, there is some front end dent work that will need to be hammered out . Anybody have good tips on that? I figure a 2x4 and a rubber mallet should do it.

Here's another view of the bow. This was before I pulled up the carpet. You can see the half-*** motor mount that was fabed up here. This is... of course... outta here.

Here's where the previous anchor light was mounted and the switches are useless. I have a 5-switch panel with a 12v outlet that will replace this.

Here's another look at the transom. Again, the board is being replaced and I'm thinking of doing a high back like Codeman's project. But I don't have a welder so until I can find someone to do the work for me, those plans will be up in the air.

That's all for now...
You could drill the center out of those steel rivets and install new aluminum rivets.Wouldn't add maybe $10 or $15 to the total cost.It would help keep the aluminum from getting weak and corroding around the steel rivets.
ben2go said:
You could drill the center out of those steel rivets and install new aluminum rivets.Wouldn't add maybe $10 or $15 to the total cost.It would help keep the aluminum from getting weak and corroding around the steel rivets.

That's the plan, all non aluminum hardware is getting replaced. There are some truck bed tie downs mounted on the port side of the boat. The steel hardware on those are coroding away that will be removed as well. I guess I better get my tetnus shots up dated.
Cheeseball said:
It's hard to see in this photo but, there is some front end dent work that will need to be hammered out . Anybody have good tips on that? I figure a 2x4 and a rubber mallet should do it.
Yes, bang out however you will, but keep in mind, aluminum work hardens. So, right now, the bow is weaker than before then dent, and when you reshape it, it will be weaker. That looks like it happened by powerloading on the trailer, with a real weak bow. Were it me, I would get a piece of 3/16 or so aluminum, and cut it to cover the whole front there. Then attach it with 3/16 dia. 1/2 inch grip length pop rivets sealed with 3M 5200 sealer. This should keep you from getting any more damage to the bow, and probably stiffen it up a bit too.
Yes, bang out however you will, but keep in mind, aluminum work hardens. So, right now, the bow is weaker than before then dent, and when you reshape it, it will be weaker. That looks like it happened by powerloading on the trailer, with a real weak bow. Were it me, I would get a piece of 3/16 or so aluminum, and cut it to cover the whole front there. Then attach it with 3/16 dia. 1/2 inch grip length pop rivets sealed with 3M 5200 sealer. This should keep you from getting any more damage to the bow, and probably stiffen it up a bit too.[/quote]

Thanks for the advice I think I will do just that, and maybe add a strip across the top as well. Would you seal the whole plate with 5200 or just the rivet holes?

I haven't figured out exactly how I'm going to do it, but I'm going to fab a TM mount, something like BassNBob's except out of aluminum.
Yes, bang out however you will, but keep in mind, aluminum work hardens. So, right now, the bow is weaker than before then dent, and when you reshape it, it will be weaker. That looks like it happened by powerloading on the trailer, with a real weak bow. Were it me, I would get a piece of 3/16 or so aluminum, and cut it to cover the whole front there. Then attach it with 3/16 dia. 1/2 inch grip length pop rivets sealed with 3M 5200 sealer. This should keep you from getting any more damage to the bow, and probably stiffen it up a bit too.[/quote]

Would you seal the whole plate with 5200 or just the rivet holes?

I would just seal the rivet hole, and dab some sealer into the middle of the pop rivet, incase it doesn't completely waterproof itself when you pull it tight.