Spent about 10 hours fishing from it since my last post and found some things I'd like to change.
1. Have to get some rod holders of some kind. The carpet I chose is way too long and if a lure so much as touches it, it's snagged. Only problem is I'm around trees often and don't want to break a rod running it into something. Might have to go with a rod locker but would rather have the poles at the ready.
2.Found a lane to run it wot but it only seems to get to about 21-23 mph and the only thing I base that on is driving a cj with the windshield down for years. About 30 is when your eyes start to water it seemed. My fishing buddy does stay up front to look for obstacles in open water so that could make a difference but I thought it would have more top end. I was hoping for 29-31 at least.
3. Shouldn't have used wood for flooring. Added 100lbs at least and it's already warping and the seat screws seem to be loosening. Add that to the fact that the seat bases I purchased are cheap garbage and you got a crappy ride. Bushings are shot already. Aluminum frame work and nut zerts or even studs coming up with wing nuts would be much better. The floor flexes as does the seat bases and you can get about a 45 degree angle if you want.
Have been catching fish but nothing like the size this lake produces. Biggest one so far was maybe 2.5lbs. Pics incoming.
My buddy caught this one two weeks ago on a brown pit boss in this same lake so they're out there.
Fished both Thursday and Friday night but when docking last night the steering cable shot the ****. It was old and rusty but at least it broke within 5 feet of the dock on our way back lol. The boat will be down til at least Wednesday I'd think. As long as I get it back together before next weekend I'll be happy. As always, thanks for reading and any tips or tricks are appreciated.