1981 Monark 1464 jon boat mod by Express


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Looks great. Getting ready to do mine tonight. Few questions if you dont mind. About how many mixing cups did you use? Were you able to pour both parts into one cup over and over again? Also, did you use your paint mixer to mix the two parts?

Hope mine goes well
I think you just sold me on the grey but I wish that it was just a little darker, more like a battleship grey. Maybe I can add a little black to darken it just a bit. Anyway, it looks great! Thanks for the update on the quantity. I was thinking I might need to order 2 gallons but that would have been waaaaay too much.
JFDBasser said:
Looks great. Getting ready to do mine tonight. Few questions if you dont mind. About how many mixing cups did you use? Were you able to pour both parts into one cup over and over again? Also, did you use your paint mixer to mix the two parts?

Hope mine goes well

i started with four 1 quart mixing cups. the first time i mixed one cup of each part but half way through that it started gettin so thick that it i couldnt spread it. so there went that cup. then i decided to just mix 1/2 cup of each part which worked out better. at least i didn't have nearly the waste but i still tossed the cups after. realizing that i would be short i sent my wife to get four more and while she was gone i had a genius idea and used a stir stick to scrap the inside of the cup just where the oz. marks are located. this way i would eliminate the wasted steelflex because i just mixed equal parts on top of the old as soon as it started to thicken up on me. i wasn't sure how it was going to work but it worked great.

and yes my paint mixer worked great for both adding the pigment to the #2 side of the flex and for mixing the two parts in my 1 quart cups even when i mixed 1/2 cup of each. my mixer is about 14" long and the head is about 1 3/4" in diameter.

one last thing: i had 8 mohair rollers and 10 foam rollers (both 4") ready for the job. jerry at fasco suggests the mohair be used but i've done alot of painting in my time and i now the potential of the foam rollers. i started out using the mohair which works fine but the texture is lets say "very course" compaired to the foam. so i ended up using the mohair on the bottom and the foam on the sides for a nicer look. im really glad i took the time to test this out before i did the sides.

good luck man!
Mojo^ said:
I think you just sold me on the grey but I wish that it was just a little darker, more like a battleship grey. Maybe I can add a little black to darken it just a bit. Anyway, it looks great! Thanks for the update on the quantity. I was thinking I might need to order 2 gallons but that would have been waaaaay too much.

it dried a bit darker. its a great lookin grey! also my shop has 160 feet of florescent lighting and semi gloss white walls so there is just a tad bit of glare on the wet steelflex when i took the pics. i think it is battle ship grey with a bit more shine to it.

good luck
Thanks for the tips Express. If it will stop raining I can get it done. I've got all of my supplies sitting idle for the last two weeks....killing me.
JFDBasser said:
Thanks for the tips Express. If it will stop raining I can get it done. I've got all of my supplies sitting idle for the last two weeks....killing me.

alright, i just went out to the shop to kick the heat up a bit (60* here today) so i can flex the inside and the first thing i thought was " man i really like the way she looks" lol. nothin like polishing an old terd!

that stinks dude! damn that mother nature!
Looks awesome man!
I'm a little confused. You said you are steelflexing the inside too? Isnt steelflex slippery as snot? and super durable as well? I would think doing the inside would actually make is really splippery and prevent you from decking etc... One thing I can say is that it is very strong stuff. if you are worried about leaks, don't. if you covered the outside, it won't leak at all period. just wondering... maybe you have some reason I'm not aware of, but if it is to stop leaks, you already perminantly stopped them.
dtwarrow said:
Looks awesome man!
I'm a little confused. You said you are steelflexing the inside too? Isnt steelflex slippery as snot? and super durable as well? I would think doing the inside would actually make is really splippery and prevent you from decking etc... One thing I can say is that it is very strong stuff. if you are worried about leaks, don't. if you covered the outside, it won't leak at all period. just wondering... maybe you have some reason I'm not aware of, but if it is to stop leaks, you already perminantly stopped them.

No worries dude! I am flexing the rear bilge area behind the rear bench where my gas tank will sit. This area will be decked over. I am also flexing up front between the deck and gunwale. The rest will be carpeted deck and sides.
i ran out of steelflex so i couldnt get it all done last night. i ordered another quart today and hopefully i see it early next week. here are some pics for you guys anyhow.






HELP! my trailer used to be set up for a v-bottom and still needs a bit of work. i made new bunks for it and put new lights, wheels, tires and loaded hubs on it but i am really scratchin my head on what to do with this front mess. i temporarily rigged it to work with my flatty but its time to do it right. ideally i would like it to have a nice carpeted 2x4 that would land between the handle and the eyelet but i am struggling with how to do it. i would also like to get the boat as far forward as i can to get the transom on the bunks. i don't know maybe ive just looked at it too much. any ideas guys? pics are helpful.



Did you use a brush on the inside? How hard was it to apply?

I had a similar problem with my 14 footer. I bought a 3 foot section of 11 ga. steel tube and a hinged tongue connector from Amazon. It allowed me to move everything forward another 24 inches allowing the transom to sit firmly on the bunks.
Mojo^ said:
Did you use a brush on the inside? How hard was it to apply?

I had a similar problem with my 14 footer. I bought a 3 foot section of 11 ga. steel tube and a hinged tongue connector from Amazon. It allowed me to move everything forward another 24 inches allowing the transom to sit firmly on the bunks.

i used a brush to get into the tight spots and rolled where i could. its not hard to apply its more of a learning lesson which makes it a bit frustrating. now that its done (almost) the next time will be much more relaxing.

my boat only needs to move up about 1' and i should be able to get that once i reconfigure the wench mount. i do wonder about being too close to my truck and may need to add a hinged tongue. my trailer was made for a 12' boat but i couldn't pass up the deal.
todays progress:







some of you are probably wondering why i built the front deck seat mount like this.... well i am putting a large hatch in front of the seat for storage so i had to come up with a way to support the seat without loosing the storage space. i was surprised how strong it came out. when my hatch arrives i will be able to take accurate measurements and add two more supports tying the old deck to the new. !!!!!!thank the tool gods for the air rivet gun!!!!!! better yet thank my buddy who lent it to me!
Looking good! Thanks for posting all the great, detailed pics. I'm learning a lot from this project. Where did you buy your aluminum angle and square tube?

Yeah, I'm curious about the short extension on the rear bench too. What are your plans for this?
thanks guys! originally i planned on mounting my switch panel, 12v socket and maybe a stereo with 2 small speakers in this space but now i am thinking that i wouldn't like the switches to be below my seat and facing forward. it feels kind of awkward. i may build a little a little something just in front of the bench off of my side panel on the right. maybe something at an angle facing the rear bench so i can see and easily access my switches. a stereo/speakers and 12v plug will still go in the extension. the other reason for the extension is more room on the rear casting deck. which will go all the way back to the transom.

i bought that expensive angle from menards for $20.48 per 1/8'x1"x8' ! not cheap! the 1" square tubing i got for free from work. a 30' foot canopy blew off of the building in a storm :LOL2: so i was happy to bring my saws all to work and claim the aluminum.

i gotta get movin! up a bit late and a couple of much needed adult beverages last night so im kind of slow goin this morning. my deadline is 4th of July weekend :USA1:
got it wired and carpeting now guys! deadline is tomorrow by 4pm and i work until noon so she'll be tight but i got this! 4 day weekend at the river comin up. i just hope i allowed enough room for the carpet and the panels will fit nicely. be patient kids i'll post pics soon!.....................
yes! i made my deadline and the boat worked great. I still have a bit to do before its finished (steelflex a little inside, figure out my bow mount TM, wire 12v outlet/courtesy lights, reconfigure the wench/bow stop, get some grey seats) but for now i just want to fish.

thanks to all who helped along the way and thanks TINBOATS! this has been a fun project





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