Took the girl out for her maiden voyage, everything worked out great,wind was awful, but me and my son are hooked up and taken her out again in a few minutes. Motor runs excellent, still running a 25-1 oil to gas for the first few tanks, but managed to run her 2 hours and not one problem. I can say that although I haven't been to wot yet, the throttle response on this thing is awsome, hole shot city! I love the tilt and trim, the boat responds better to a lower trim, I will play around with it more when I get above 4500 rpms. nbaffaro, Come on down, lake will start jumping with boats about april, and wont let up till november, hope to see ya there. If you've never been here, word of caution, WATCH THE STUMPS! If you follow the channel markers you'll be fine. I have some pictures for you guys, wifes computer is down, using my daughters laptop till she gets hers back then I'll post them for you all.