BassAddict said:
Bubba said:
Wonder if the slips are including with reservations, or if you have to pay/reserve for those as well? If its not too much I may just leave my boat in a slip..... :-k
I was thinking the same thing budda, let me know what u find out
The slips are coverd, have electric and are $14 per night - don't know if the 15% discount applies to the slips or not ($11.90)??? Maybe as more members sign up and make reservations, Jim can contact them and see if we can get a deal on slips?? Maybe they can be thrown in for nothing, or at least maybe half price, or, if nothing else, the 15% off -- Jim.... do your best negotiations and try to get them for free??? We are bringing in lots of business they don't normally have in October???

We will be filling up many cabins & lodge rooms and not everyone is bringing a boat, so it wouldn't be too many slips we need???
Here's some additional info I learned while doing comparrisons:
Boat Rental Daily: Aluminum 9.9 hp -$40; Aluminim 15 hp - $50; Pontoon $135
Rates include daily towells, gas grills, satillite TV, full kitchens; They also have live bait, gift store, - no fireplaces, no hot tubs, no restaurant on site