2009 Tinboats.Net Roadtrip/Rally ---DALE HOLLOW---


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flounderhead59 said:
I sure hope those are real nice roads as I really (and I mean REALLY) hate driving in mountains and very hilly terrain. Guess we'll bring the Silverado with the V8 instead of the Trailblazer with the straight 6.

Flounder, the hills down there aren't that bad and the roads are all paved... Your Trailblazer will work. We haul ours down to Bull Shoals with our Dodge mini-van, 6 cyl. Runs about 4-5 more mpg, but pulls okay - hills aren't that bad. I was at Dale Hollow in October and it's not like driving through major mountains.. We're pulling a 16.5' Spectrum, about 1500 lbs with our 6 cyl. with no problems.

russ010 said:
CRAP~! I just found out I have an ORI (Operational Rediness Inspection) with my military unit scheduled for Oct 13-20. Unless I'm able to transfer out of this unit by then I won't be able to come. I'm still going to keep the room booked just in case I'm able to transfer and I can make it.

Hey, you can work it out - just tell the General that I said it was alright.... :) If that don't work, tell him that Capt. Ahab requires your attendance and you must be there........ :lol:
FishingCop said:
flounderhead59 said:
I sure hope those are real nice roads as I really (and I mean REALLY) hate driving in mountains and very hilly terrain. Guess we'll bring the Silverado with the V8 instead of the Trailblazer with the straight 6.

Flounder, the hills down there aren't that bad and the roads are all paved... Your Trailblazer will work. We haul ours down to Bull Shoals with our Dodge mini-van, 6 cyl. Runs about 4-5 more mpg, but pulls okay - hills aren't that bad. I was at Dale Hollow in October and it's not like driving through major mountains.. We're pulling a 16.5' Spectrum, about 1500 lbs with our 6 cyl. with no problems.


Might just bring the Silverado just for good measure. My boat plus all the extras will be pushing 2000-2250 pounds
FishingCop said:
russ010 said:
CRAP~! I just found out I have an ORI (Operational Rediness Inspection) with my military unit scheduled for Oct 13-20. Unless I'm able to transfer out of this unit by then I won't be able to come. I'm still going to keep the room booked just in case I'm able to transfer and I can make it.

Hey, you can work it out - just tell the General that I said it was alright.... :) If that don't work, tell him that Capt. Ahab requires your attendance and you must be there........ :lol:

That would probably work if I wasn't a supervisor and the only one who knows how to work most of the test equipment and actually make the equipment work. Plus, I'm really good at using words no one understands when I'm asked questions that I have no answer to - but when I talk over their heads they just go along with it because they don't want to look stupid - Guess that's why I keep getting all these gold and silver IG coins
[/quote said:
Might just bring the Silverado just for good measure. My boat plus all the extras will be pushing 2000-2250 pounds

Wow, you're heavy... I wonder if my 1500 lbs (what the guy I bought it from told me) is wrong?? How would I find out the accurate weight? Seems like when I bought it, I couldn't find anything on line at the time....
FishingCop said:
[/quote said:
Might just bring the Silverado just for good measure. My boat plus all the extras will be pushing 2000-2250 pounds

Wow, you're heavy... I wonder if my 1500 lbs (what the guy I bought it from told me) is wrong?? How would I find out the accurate weight? Seems like when I bought it, I couldn't find anything on line at the time....

According to the BPS web site my rig, with motor, trailer and boat as a Package Weighs (approx.) 1786 Lbs. 20 gallons of gas at 6lbs is 120, figure about 75 pounds for my kicker motor and 75 for misc tackle and gear, extra oil and some tools. Then there will be the stuff we bring in the truck (clothes and stuff), another 100 pounds? That adds up to 2156. My boat is a 19 footer too.
Hey guys -

We're hosting our first annual tournament in April - either the second to last or last weekend - might be a good opportunity for some of you guys to get to know the area and the lake before your big assault on the "Holler".

We're shooting for 100 boats, which to my knowledge hasn't been done on Dale Hollow before. Entry fee is $150 - 100% of which goes back into the prize pool. If we hit our goal, that's $15,000 in prize money, and we're trying to secure a boat to raffle off!

If you're interested, more details can be found here: https://www.dalehollowfishing.com/c...Itemid,195/catid,34/func,view/id,920/limit,6/
OhioStateBuckeye said:
Where the heck is dale hollow?

On the TN/KY Border...

Click here.... https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Dale+Hollow+Lake,+TN&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=27.838219,55.898438&ie=UTF8&ll=36.645283,-85.279999&spn=3.516823,6.987305&z=7
only 9 months to go

if the economy stays the same looks like ill be campin, envyios of all you old farts in your cozy cabins [-o< :mrgreen:

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