BassNBob said:
What's the format for the outing? Is there a date set yet?
I'm not sure of the "format" - I'm thinking it is come down to the resort, meet other members, lots of fishing, partying, eating/cooking out, (gee, maybe a beer or two

have a great 2-4 day trip with no particular agenda (but again, that's up to Jim). I personally will be making the trip as a part of a week-10 day vacation with another couple (lgbrkr&hubby). After Dale Hollow, going to fish Norris Lake with in-laws then visit the Smokies for about 2 days or so. But, I suspect most members are just planning on a 3-day weekend fishing trip??? Whatever works - as long as we can get together as a group for the weekend - as Jim said
No date yet, no confirmed location yet. Jim will be making those final decisions, but I have been helping out with some research (resorts, costs, weather, etc.). I'll be in Jellico about the 3rd week of October and I will be taking a day to check out a few of the resorts we have been considering.
BNB, you're right there in Onieda, I'll be driving right through there on my way to Dale Hollow - you interested in coming along for the day to visit the resorts first hand? Let me know and I'll give you a heads up as to when exactly I'll be down there.
Any other members in that area who want to come along to check out these places, let me know.
G_3 has been there (is Seymour about 2-3 hours away??) and
whj812 &
Bubba arent too far away. Road Trip!!!?????
Any other members close by????? Let me know.