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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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Klinger Lake MI
I just can't ignore it ANY more. I see people talking about "how much should your partner give you" either in gas money or other compensation for taking them fishing.

I say that the non boater owes you NOTHING. (W/a caveat I'll get to later)
A tournament angler NOT in a team tournament chooses to sign up as a boater. That's his choice and decision. As such he is fishing his tournament as a boater. He is going to fish his tournament whether there is a co-angler or not. So his costs would be X whether the co-angler is there or not.

As for fishing buddies they ESPECIALLY don't need to chip in anything. Same thing applies. If your going fishing fine go. Your expenses are going to be X amount no matter what. Adding another person in your boat isn't going to add any expense to the boat owner.

If I ask someone to go fishing with me it's because I am going fishing Whether someone comes or not doesn't matter. I'm going no matter what. So my expenses are X amount, regardless. I don't ask someone to go with me so that I can fish cheaper
The caveat.

Team tournaments. You are teammates and it makes sense to share the expense burden, and/or a majorly skewed tournament winnings split.

The other is to plan ahead of time a farther away outing than normal. With expenses hashed out ahead of time. This is a trip you would NOT take by yourself regardless of whether someone goes with you are not. These are trips that really only happen if expenses are divided, because of the added distance and associated costs of lodging and lots of gas.
we almost always split cost. if it's a one day,local,ask someone if they want to go with you type deal- freebie.
Man...if you were closer, I'd fish back seat on your boat every time you went out. :mrgreen:
Usually if I ride in someones boat I'll buy the beef jerky and beer. And if they ride usually they will. In a tourney well just split costs.
fender66 said:
Man...if you were closer, I'd fish back seat on your boat every time you went out. :mrgreen:

I always offer to give a few bucks if I am going on someones boat. If I ask someone to come with me I don't take a penny.
When not a tourney - fishing partner donates the launch fee, some of the launch fee, or none of the fee. It doesn't bother me what he does - I'd still be paying it anyway. As to boat costs, I maintain the boat myself and the motor is pretty good on gas. I figure I'd be going anyway so anything he donates is just being helpful.

Tourneys - I just expect to pay the gas and such cause I usually take kids with me. They have a BLAST on the water and talk about the fishing all year long :D
I'm like you...I'm going fishing anyways,I don't want anything.
Are lake are small though,seldom burn more then $10.
The co-angler part I can understand, but I strongly disagree with friends fishing. I believe it's someones aviator on this site that say's "This boat doesn't run on thanks". That is my favorite saying. Out of respect, I would never get in your boat or anyone elses without picking up at least half the expenses if not all of it.

I fish 2-3 times a week at $50-$150 a trip. It would be hard to do without everyone helping out. I also fish a saltwater club tournament and generally one big tournament a month. These are team tournaments and everyone in each boat pays their half and you divide the winnings.

Saying this, I would never tell someone they couldn't go if they didn't have the money. We all go through rough times.

To me it is respect and common courtesy IMO.
A friend I sometimes fish with have a routine. We live about 45-50 miles from each other, so we take turns driving to each other's town, and fish out of his rig if I make the drive to his house, and use mine when he travels here. Didn't have to tow our boats a long distance so that saved on truck fuel. Both of our rigs are electric-only, so no fuel costs there either.
Huh, I never really though about it much.

I understand that not everyone's a Rockefeller, but I enjoy fishing with my friends and never thought about putting a cost on it. For a while I didn't own a boat and they were always willing to take me along no questions asked. Now that the one's boat motor is dead, he fishes with me when he can. The couple of friends from work that take me out never want compensation (though I usually let them have my fish as I catch/release and they catch/eat provided all legal limit laws are in effect), just company.

I've never fished any kind of tournament, so I've got no opinion either way on that.

Maybe if I had as nice a rig as one of the guy's from work (he offered to sell it to me for the low low price of 42K.. :lol: ), but even he said, just like Lon, if he's going fishing anyway he just enjoys the company.

We split costs for offshore trips - but we are talking over 400 gallons of gas (we use around 300)

As far as fishing in my small boat - I never ask or accept anything
The whole competitive side of recreational fishing just makes me sick. I read one of these threads over on BBC a month ago and it still bothers me when I think about it.

On a recreational side, my boat, I pay, their boat, they pay. When you ride my boat you are my guest so I spend the time putting you on the fish, keeping you out of the trees, and enjoying yourself to the max, etc. I expect the same.

Took a buddy out when he came up from NC for a little catfish stress release therapy. Put him in the middle of the boat looking at two rods, kid was in the back with the other two, all four rods were about 6' apart total. I sat on the front deck with the chicken livers baitings and landing the cats. About the time he complained that I was doing all the work the cats started hitting and rods were diving and he was too busy having fun to complain. At the end of the evening two hours later he said it was the most fun fishing he ever had. 1.5 hours to go through a quart of livers with four rods...

Ranchero50 said:
The whole competitive side of recreational fishing just makes me sick. I read one of these threads over on BBC a month ago and it still bothers me when I think about it.

On a recreational side, my boat, I pay, their boat, they pay. When you ride my boat you are my guest so I spend the time putting you on the fish, keeping you out of the trees, and enjoying yourself to the max, etc. I expect the same.

Took a buddy out when he came up from NC for a little catfish stress release therapy. Put him in the middle of the boat looking at two rods, kid was in the back with the other two, all four rods were about 6' apart total. I sat on the front deck with the chicken livers baitings and landing the cats. About the time he complained that I was doing all the work the cats started hitting and rods were diving and he was too busy having fun to complain. At the end of the evening two hours later he said it was the most fun fishing he ever had. 1.5 hours to go through a quart of livers with four rods...

Right on Jamie. I have fished some local tournaments. I don't have any desire to do it any more. it's like a fashion show. I just like to fish. It is however fun to out fish grown men in a 40k rig out of my 16 foot tin and a 5 year old as my partner.
There isn't a fee to fish out of my boat but if you buy the brews I'll be happy to help you drink em.
If I'm already going it's on me if you want to help that's OK. but if we are planning a trip and it's more than a tank of gas we split. With a tank of gas hitting $80+ and $30 in the boat everything helps to get on the water. If I ask you to go it's on me.
Had a friend Mike(RIP) that would never take money when we fished so I would leave something for him and it got like a Easter egg hunt. When he got home he would look for it. The best was he darn near took his boat apart looking and didn't find it. I gave two new Kwikfish K15 to his wife to put under his pillow. I got a call around 11pm with just two words Butt Head.
linehand said:
Ranchero50 said:
The whole competitive side of recreational fishing just makes me sick. I read one of these threads over on BBC a month ago and it still bothers me when I think about it.

On a recreational side, my boat, I pay, their boat, they pay. When you ride my boat you are my guest so I spend the time putting you on the fish, keeping you out of the trees, and enjoying yourself to the max, etc. I expect the same.

Took a buddy out when he came up from NC for a little catfish stress release therapy. Put him in the middle of the boat looking at two rods, kid was in the back with the other two, all four rods were about 6' apart total. I sat on the front deck with the chicken livers baitings and landing the cats. About the time he complained that I was doing all the work the cats started hitting and rods were diving and he was too busy having fun to complain. At the end of the evening two hours later he said it was the most fun fishing he ever had. 1.5 hours to go through a quart of livers with four rods...

Right on Jamie. I have fished some local tournaments. I don't have any desire to do it any more. it's like a fashion show. I just like to fish. It is however fun to out fish grown men in a 40k rig out of my 16 foot tin and a 5 year old as my partner.
There isn't a fee to fish out of my boat but if you buy the brews I'll be happy to help you drink em.

Honestly this is a whole other discussion. I agree for the most part. Frankly, living on a lake, I see things from the "the other point of view"

I think not only the quality of tournament experience, but the impact reduction on local waters is strictly up to the club and/or people your fishing with and against.
If I ask you to go with me then I just enjoy the company. I never ask for anything in return gas, food,beer, or bait. Even when people ask to give me something I never take it.

My grandfather always taught me that just enjoy the company of others. Money comes and goes but good fishing buddies stay and will always so why not just enjoy the good times on the water while you have them.

Everytime we went out even when we drove 40 minutes to a honey hole he wouldnt let me pay for anything even at the service station. So every once in a while when he would be filling up the boat/truck I would go grab some minnows or some replacement jigs and some ice cream(he always loved a good ice cream sandwhich on the lake). Its just out of respect.

Even the lake fees he would always try to pay but just out of respect I would beat him to it. But even when I take friends and they dont pay the lake fee or anything thats ok. Im not going to complain.

People just need to enjoy fishing and the company of others and cherish the days that you have with each other. Stop worring about the money. Its fishing. Fishing/boating cost money and your going to spend it regardless if the person in the back of the boat is there or not. And if your saying that because you have to buy another dozen of minnows or bring another rod that you feel the need to ask for money. Honestly if that is the deal breaker then you need to rethink this hobby.

Just enjoy guys!
okay soo lets get an opinion on another senario, you are invited to go out on a fishing trip, you tip in for gas,bait, etc., catch a till of walleyes, get back home help clean fish,boat, etc. then are turned away without so much as a meal of walleye? let me remind you guys you where invited, and chipped in on all expenses... love my brother but i do not fish with him any longer, am i right or wrong? :?
There was a country song several years ago about the guy who got the bad news from the doctor. I don't remember the names of the song (A Bull Named Fu Manchu ?) or the singer, but I do remember the line where he resolved to start being the kind of friend that a friend would want to have.

With this whole topic, the bottom line should be trying to be the kind of guy (or gal) that someone else would want to have as a fishing companion. If you're good company with a positive attitude and you like to laugh, I'd love to have you in my boat. Enjoying your company just enhances the pleasure of something that I already enjoy anyways.

If you're a boat owner with a downer attitude and an overall jerk, I would rather sit on the bank or simply stay home than spend a bunch of negative time with someone who just makes the fishing an unpleasant experience.

Whether you're the boat owner or the passenger, take active steps to be the kind of guy who gets invited to go again just because your presence is appreciated.
lbursell said:
There was a country song several years ago about the guy who got the bad news from the doctor. I don't remember the names of the song (A Bull Named Fu Manchu ?) or the singer, but I do remember the line where he resolved to start being the kind of friend that a friend would want to have.

Travis Tritt.
It's a great day to be alive......He's one of the guys I would like to see in concert.