Added a new fishing technique ....

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Thanks, Rich !!

I saw that on TV just last week.
they get into a pod of tuna, chum heavily
then throw in some big barbless silver shiny hooks
and in the frenzy, the fish bite anything that flickers.
after hauling them in, the fish just pop off the hook on deck.
For the big 100 to 300 fish, two fishermen are
connected to the same hook line and it takes
both men to haul in the big ones.
very interesting to watch !!!!

here is another technique of motorized winches
as well as the two-man pole - - - them is some BIG fish !!

And I can only guess that the wife doesn't want even
hear how tired he is from fishing all day ???
And I can't manage to keep my line untangled with only one other guy in the boat!
This picture, from Ebay, was posted on another site where I posted the same thread..

Just seen the video here. Few peoples are preparing the hooks and stick with a boat into the deep sea.
Better yet, they just jump right into the boat. Youtube search silver carp. Few around here, and yeah I've had a few get into the boat while underway. Them suckers get pretty big and they hurt when you get hit by one running 30mph+. That's why some of the tournament anglers with their high HP bass boats will wear a helmet. At 75+, you sure don't want to get hit by a 20lb carp.