It's taken a bit longer than expected but I finally have this little motor moved to my house and started to work on it as we're seeing some nicer temps to let me work outside. I've started to clean and inspect it, but I have some doubts/questions about parts of the motor and how to disassemble. I tried to log in to AOMCI but they have evidently deleted my account and when I try to re register, their anti bot question wants me to name their magazine. I don't have a clue what magazine they make and can't seem to turn the answer up via google. The only thing I find is some reference to something called The Antique Outboarder. I tried entering that, and Antique Outboarder, antique outboarder in lower case but it keeps rejecting my answer so I'm lost as to how to ask any questions over there.
The prop shaft has a significant amount of play/wobble so I'm sure there are some parts that will require replacement down there. And I've discovered that not only is the wire that connects the throttle control from tiller to carb missing, the piece on the tiller where that wire connects apparently has an ear broken off it where the wire attaches. Do you have anything in the way of a parts schematic/breakdown/specs for points gap etc, or information that might help me in the tear down of this motor that you can or would be willing to share?
As always thanks for any help you can offer with this motor.