none of that stuff for me....ever!
You don't mix good bourbon with coke!!! That's reserved for cheap swill like that stuff from TN.
Waterwings said:Gettin' a little off-topic (Rally) here,
8)Quackrstackr said:Whiskey from TN is Tennessee Whiskey, not bourbon. Bourbon only comes from KY (and some place out west that just thinks that they are making bourbon :lol: ) Just a little tidbit of useless information.
:lol:...(and some place out west that just thinks that they are making bourbon)...
Quackrstackr said:Waterwings said:Gettin' a little off-topic (Rally) here,
Good thing there is a new thread for the rally. This one has officially been hijacked and derailed. :lol:
Quackrstackr said:Whiskey from TN is Tennessee Whiskey, not bourbon. Bourbon only comes from KY (and some place out west that just thinks that they are making bourbon :lol: ) Just a little tidbit of useless information.
I can't do Canadian whiskey. It has an almost chemical taste to me. I'm not sure if that's because it is highly blended or what.
dunk50 said:Alright fishincop, I am almost certain I am going to make it to the rally. I am also certain I am going to bring a bottle to convert you to the DARK side. CANADIAN, BLENDED, YUK. By the time you get home you will have stopped at 30 carry outs looking for some of the good stuff to take back home with you home. Can anyone say LOT B :wink:
And this post was to put us back on topic as in ( I am almost certain I am going to make it to the rallly). :lol:
dunk50 said:Well then the challenge is on, but you should know that Jack and shine have nothing in common with a GOOD bourbon! You should also know that you CAN teach old dogs new tricks!! From the North or not, your in for a treat and like you said, it's all a good time!! Let's hope the fish co-operate.
Popeye said:With all this talk of drinking and socializing I could leave the boat and fishing gear home and still have a good time
Popeye said:Who wants to stand behind me the day after Jean's chili and a night of drinking bourbon and beer???
Bubba said:You guys will be laying in bed from a hangover of the mornings and i'll be out catching all those monster morning Smallmouth. :mrgreen: :lol: