So, I will throw some numbers of what I am doing!
First off, this is my back up fishing rig, Its an 8 foot pontoon boat, 30lb trolling motor and a depth/fish finder.
I bought a 35 Amp Hour AGM deep cell battery solely for the TM.
I also run a 5 Amp Hour AGM battery to power fish finder!
I can get six hours of on and off use of the trolling motor to get me to my fishing spots and back with out having to break out the Oars!
I get on and off about five hours or more out of the fish finder!
Look on Ebay for wheel chair batteries, I have seen them higher than 35 AH but they are heavier.
As far as the difference in vessels,, yours is a bit bigger and you are taking along a buddy, maybe maybe not.
When I go out on my own on Flat water (lakes) I take the pontoon, but rivers and very large lakes I take the tin boat (15 ft Gregor), but it has a 35 HP main and a 55 lb trolling motor. I run the starting main motor on a group 29 lead acid battery and power trolling motor off of that one also.
I run the two fish finders front and rear off of a 10 AH AGM. I can get about five hours out of the AGM for the fish finders,, the main battery is charged by the motor.
After every trip I charge the AGM's completely for the next trip!
I have had really good luck with the deep cell wheel chair or powered cart batteries, they will hold a good charge and are truly deep cycle!
One thing to point out is, My 30 lb trolling motor is a 5 speed, I try to never go past 3rd and get like I said about six hours on and off use!
Its rare I spend the six hours siting in the toon, I will find a nice spot and bank fish for a while and stretch my legs!