good job so far !!
I use regular cheap gasoline @ $1.99 a gallon (for now) and use that
to rinse the brushes 3 or 4 times . . . pour the gas onto an old tree stump
I am trying to kill. then let the brushes soak in mineral spirits to keep the paint
from hardening in the top of the bristles.... then whack that out on a chain link fence
and into a can of paint brush cleaner/conditioner and let that soak for 24 hours and rinse in warm soapy water.
use a large stainless wire brush to break up any stubborn paint that wants to cling to the bristles.
I have over 3 dozen brushes of different sizes so I can always use a clean brush for the next coats.
I think in Arizona if you threw a cup of acetone into the air, it would evaporate before
it hits the ground. if it is less than 24 hours between coats, you can wrap the brush
(with paint in it) in Saran Wrap and put in the refrigerator.
I think you will have better results by using mineral spirits instead of acetone or lacquer thinner.
all kinds of tricks to learn in the painting field.

when you pay $20-30 for a single brush, you take care of it a little better than a $4.00 brush.
* paint or varnish = same treatment.