Nothings easy, I was driving my Truck Last Sunday when I noticed the defrosters started pushing out cold air, I looked at my guages just in time to see the water guage needle declining out of the red, it didnt stop till it hit the C(cold), drove it bout 10 miles home, I figured the thermostat went, Last Monday I went and got one plus 2 gallons of Preston (buy one get one free) 37 bucks, 25 after my rebate, Alls good, easy fix, after removing this and removing that to get to the housing I finally got it changed. I let it idle for 15 mins, still cold, went 2 miles down the road, 2 miles back, still cold. I started down the road to drop the truck off to my mechanic, about a block from the house the check engine light came on and the temp needle was pinned in the red, pulled off the road, opened the hood and anti-freeze was flowing from the coolant overflow, had to getter towed. Mechanic didnt get a chance to look at it till Friday, did a test and found emmission gasses was getting mixed with something or other, bottom line $3015 for a Jasper engine, $345 for hose/belt kit, $1,500 for labor plus tax or I could get a new Truck. I cant find what I want, I'm going to give it a couple more days than I have to make a decission, mean time I'm stuck!!!!