Look at pictures 1 an 2,that is my 93 mercs tension plate and bolt with collars on them. If u look closely at the bolt it has a collar and where the thread ends which leaves a gap between the tension plate and bottom of the bolt which causes a tremendous amount of play in the outboard side to side that I believe should not be that bad,I'm going to put washers in between the bolt and the aluminum were the thread ends to eliminate the play,it should not be that loose imo. Sticking 2 flat ss washers there should tighten it up to were it eliminates most of the side to side play . When it idles the whole top of the motor shakes vigorously and it shouldn't, I know 2 strokes run rough but I have put my hand on the 2 sides to eliminate that side to side play due to the bolt not being threaded all the way in and what a difference it is. There is like 1/8 to like 1/10 inch gap from were the bolt screws into the aluminum that is causing the play so a couple washers should help that a ton. What the basic issue is,the actual collars on the end of the bolts are smaller then the hole in the tension metal plate and that extra room is causing so much play if you understand what I'm saying. I'm trying to explain it as best as possible . By at least sticking a couple washers over the tension plate to build it up then running the bolt from the bottom up through the holes in the tension plate and couple washers should darn near eliminate all play if not most of it. I'm sure it won't hurt anything like it is I just want to do this to see if it does fix the issue and if it does then it was a whole $1 fix from home depot with ss washers. My 2002 has 0 play side to side because if u look at pictures 3 and 4 the bolts are threaded all the way into to aluminum as it should be to eliminate all play and the bolts have no collars like my 93 does which I find strange because they are basically the same engines just a bit newer is the 02. I hope I explained myself good,sorry. Also wanted to mention that both mercs have the same tension systems,they are 100% identical except for the bolts,the 93 has bolts with 3/4 thread then collars,the 02 is bolted all the way into the aluminum on the motor and has no collars,strange since they are identical setups.