Growing up in Florida, sometimes fishing in the daytime wasn’t so great, and you got roasted. So we would go to Port Canaveral and fish at night, when my parents would allow it. The fishing was always, exceptional.
As I got older, we would go dock- hopping at night. Again almost always, exceptional fishing.
I have carried this into my adult life. Especially in saltwater, night fishing can be just ridiculous.
As an adult, we used to go into Delaware bay and have incredibly huge schools of fish surround us, and have had the same thing in the Chesapeake Bay.
Now, sadly, I am landlocked about 100 miles away from salt. I pretty much hate it, but I’m learning to adept.
One day I had the kids out fishing and it was so good that we decided to stay after dark. I put out a couple of LED lights, and soon we were surrounded by herring, threadfin shad, minnows, some kind of shrimp-like crustaceans and many other fish.
It was so amazing that fishing was almost secondary. My nephews caught and caught, but I was more interested in watching the fish than catching.
Anyway, how many of you enjoy fishing at night?