How to start the day tired

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2009
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Charleston, SC
So this is how my day went yesterday.

5:20AM - time to wake up. get bfast started for my youngest. He is already awake laying on the floor in the living room playing with a flashlight.
6:00AM - everyone is fed and dressed. Drop youngest off at before school care. Yell at oldest to get out of bed because he wants us to wake him before we leave.
6:45- after dropping son off drop wife off at her work.
7:00 - start my day with a 3.5 hour meeting that I spend 75% of trying to stay out of.
3:00 - call it a day, pick up wife and head for home.
3:50 - swing into Gander Mtn. to look over the clearance bin. Find a Salmo Glow in the dark Fire Tiger Turbo Jack for $6.00. I cant pass that up.
4:00 - home again.
4:15 - I decide to restring 5 ultra light setups since I am just killing time until 6:15.
6:15 - time to start a masters class. Tonight we are going to disect instant messaging protocols, IRC bots and Trojan Horse.
9:28 - class is done, my wife & son are watching a show about florists. Its not for me so I go to bed.
10:23 - my pager goes off. Fully engulfed barn fire. This should be fun. Barn fires are always good burners with little change of human injury/casulty.
1:30 - done, time to go home and back to bed.
4:06 - I wake up with a shooting pain in my eye. something from last nights fire ended up in my eye and i cant sleep now. I tried taking a shower, and washing out the eyeball nothing is working. I try to get back to sleep and plan to take the day off work and go to Dr.
4:20 - I am out of bed and driving to the emergency room 20 miles away. I can't close my eye for any length of time without it hurting.
4:35 - I look to the left and the shooting pain is twice as bad. My eyeball starts watering like a sprinkler and I have to pull over and deal with the pain. All of a sudden it all stops and my eye is fatigued and sore but the pain is gone. I take the next exit/hospital exit and pull over too the side of the road and play "move the eyeball everywhere". I can't find any indication of anything in my eye anymore. The Fire Dept. would pick up the $75 co-pay for the visit but I just want to go home so I turn around and head for home.
5:06 - I am home in bed again deciding if I should go to work or not.
5:20 - oops, alarm is going off time to get up.

there you go, one day in my life. Now I want to take a nap, but I have someone coming to my office to help them get digital pictures off a camera.
I was in bed by 8:00 last night and didn't wake up until 5:30. I am well rested and ready to plow on through a friday. Here's to the weekend!
That's why I took early retirement....JIGGY.... Glad ya finally gotcha some rest young man ....