czuniga, Looking at Johny25's picture is your setup about even with his, ie is your lowest plate pretty much even with the bottom of your boat or slightly lower? I can't really tell from your photo but it looks like you have a short shaft engine and I am guessing you raised the motor about 2 inches maybe a little more? If you are even or a little above the back of the boat with your engine you might have to lower it a little bit. My next thought would be to the prop itself, have you tried running the boat with the 10 pitch and the 8 pitch under like conditions, if so and this only happens with the 8 pitch then I would wonder about the prop. I am not familiar with Solas props (maybe one of the other folks on here can inform me/us) but my question would be does this prop have a rubber "slip" bushing between the hub and outer prop body, if it does could this be slipping? I know it is a new prop but that doesn't mean it can't be defective. If you suspect the prop is slipping find a way to mark the inner and outer sections then take it out and try it, after it seems to slip then check the marks to see if they have moved if they have the prop is bad.