Looking at new sonar


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user 7806

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
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Since getting the boat I have wanted a FF for the front, the one in the back isn't much help while fishing from the front of the boat which I do most of the time. I want to mount it on the TM.

I bought a Garmin Echo 200 because it came with the TM mount and I caught it on a 12 hour sale at Sears for a good price. Looked nice, tilt, swivel base. & quick disconnect. Mounted it all up and when I got a chance to use it the screen kept going black, seemed to be a heat problem because if I put it in the shade for awhile it would work again. Sent it back and decided to look at something else. Pretty much decided on Humminbird because from what I have read on the different forums their customer service is superb, as Lowerance is about non existent.

Pretty much have a $200-$250 limit on price. Was looking at the Humminbird 561 till I discovered that the Humminbird 570 had twice the vertical resolution for $50 more. The TM mount adds about another $20 to the cost but I'm not really counting that in the above limit. That's a small purchase I don't need a PO for. ;)

Anyone have any experience with these units and will the vertical resolution make that much difference? I fish mainly small rivers and small lakes that are off said rivers made my dredging sand and gravel. So I don't think I would ever be in water over maybe 50' unless the river is way up and then I probably wouldn't be in it anyway.

Any suggestions?
Went to the Tracker Boat Store to get some parts for my TM and was talking to salesperson there and they suggested the HBird 570 DI which is $299 but has a $20 rebate til June 26th or the Lowrance 5x DSI which is $249 The Lowrance has 480x480 resolution and is only DSI from what I can gather looking at comparisons. The HBird 640V x 320H and also has 2D sonar. The salesman was trying to convince me that the 480x480 was better the 640x320 but from what I can gather vertical resolution is more important that horizontal.

Anyone have any experience with Down Imaging is it worth the extra money?
Only experience I have with DI at this point is what I've read on different fishing forums. IF I were in your shoes, with having read what I have read (makes sense doesn't it) I would go with the HB DI unit as it has the 2d sonar with it. The Lowrance DSI does NOT have 2d sonar. DI will give you more detail on the structure below the boat, but fish show up as little white dots, not arches or fish symbols, just dots. The detail on the structure and bottom is great from what I've read, and have seen numerous pictures posted on web forums but I still have trouble interepreting the DI pictures. Alot of DI users have stated after a while they tire of the DI and use the 2d sonar more, but still use the DI for the detail at times, especially when on new territory/water.

The HB DI unit has both DI and 2d so you've got it both ways. GL.
Gramps...you should come look at my HB units. I have DI and SI and love it. I use the DI much more than the SI though.

I totally recommend HB units and have had great luck with mine and with their customer service when I have a question or problem.
fender66 said:
Gramps...you should come look at my HB units. I have DI and SI and love it. I use the DI much more than the SI though.

I totally recommend HB units and have had great luck with mine and with their customer service when I have a question or problem.

I'm gone all day tomorrow, what are you doing Sunday?
I see a lot of noise on forums about a supposed lack of customer support from Lowrance, but I just don't see it. There's a lot of "I heard from a friend" or "I read about this" or "my monkey's second cousin's dog that insulted the Pope found a broken unit and"...

Fact is, I've always gotten through to Lowrance with no problems at all. A guy at work had his refurb, out of warranty HDS5 go out on him and Lowrance replaced it no charge, no fuss.

Humminbird makes a good product. So does Lowrance. Buy the one YOU want, not what some faceless "expert" on the web says you need.

AFA the 570DI vs the Mark 5x DSI, between the two I like the 570DI because it's got both Downscan and 2D sonar, but know that the 2D sonar is kind of a hybrid, it's not a real 83/200 with the corresponding cone angles of 60/20deg AND the 455/800 of true downscan. It has the 455/800 for downscan, but they half the 455KHz signal down to get a pseudo 200Khz signal, which makes for a narrower than average beam. That said, there's definately a time and place for both types of sonar - and if you're not used to reading a downscan image, having the ability to flip back to a traditional sonar view would be of great help in the learning process.

Graphically, it's a horse a piece - if you're fishing water over 50' deep, more vertical pixels would be great - but it doesn't sound like you fish that way. Both LCD screens are everything that an LCD screen would be - :? -

I say find a store (if possible) and play with both of them extensively - one of them will get your attention.

I know I had every intention of buying a Humminbird until I sat down and played with one for an afternoon, and on the water, and then did the same with a Lowrance. Bought my Lowrance as soon as I had the money ready, and couldn't be happier.

Gramps50 said:
fender66 said:
Gramps...you should come look at my HB units. I have DI and SI and love it. I use the DI much more than the SI though.

I totally recommend HB units and have had great luck with mine and with their customer service when I have a question or problem.

I'm gone all day tomorrow, what are you doing Sunday?

Sorry Gramps..I was gone all weekend fishing. I'm back now. Get home from work after 6:00.
fender66 said:
Sorry Gramps..I was gone all weekend fishing. I'm back now. Get home from work after 6:00.

Then the 1st question is did you catch any fish?

On another forum a couple of the guys said that when they were looking at FF that the HB 570 DI didn't have a very good screen and that in it's case 2D was better. In a little while I'm going to BP to play with the displays.

I'll giver ya a holler this evening
Spent the morning and part of the afternoon at BP & Cabelia's looking at and playing with the demo units. As was stated on another forum by several people the screen on the HB 570 DI wasn't very clear, just had a fuzzy look to it. Also looked at the HB 581i DI which is still mono and the screen looked about the same as the 570 even though it was 640x640 the the 570 was 640x320.

The HB 596ci HD DI had a much better screen that was much clearer and easier to read. I also looked at the Lowrance Elite 5x DSI the screen on it wasn't bad but I don't think it was as good as the HB 596.

I like the idea that the HB's also have 2D even though it's not true dual beam as the viewing angles are different than a non Di unit & you can use both at the same time. With DI being a moving technology it will be nice to have 2D when you just sitting and want to see what happening below or maybe for jigging.

I didn't think I wanted one with a GPS but after talking to CF I decided that maybe down the road I might wish I had one, I do play with the one on my phone and record my tracks. So I'm working on a PO for a HB 597ci HD DI found it at Amazon for $571
If you can handle a slightly narrower screen (4.25" instead of 5"), you could save a bit of money with the 587ci DI for $440 -


The only major difference will be a change from 640x640 pixels to 480x640 pixels, all else stays the same.
wihil said:
If you can handle a slightly narrower screen (4.25" instead of 5"), you could save a bit of money with the 587ci DI for $440 -


The only major difference will be a change from 640x640 pixels to 480x640 pixels, all else stays the same.

Thanks that's a good price. I looked at that model when I was shopping yesterday, but I think I need the 5" screen as I have old eyes. I would get a 7" screen but funds won't allow it.
Gramps50 said:
wihil said:
If you can handle a slightly narrower screen (4.25" instead of 5"), you could save a bit of money with the 587ci DI for $440 -


The only major difference will be a change from 640x640 pixels to 480x640 pixels, all else stays the same.

Thanks that's a good price. I looked at that model when I was shopping yesterday, but I think I need the 5" screen as I have old eyes. I would get a 7" screen but funds won't allow it.

I hear ya completely - I've got young (but terrible according to the Dr.) eyes, and choked when I forked over the money for my 6.5" screen. I really wanted the 8" one, but that would have had me on the couch for the better part of next year....
Gramps, I'm in the same boat as you (unable to determine which model I want) but for different reasons. I think side imaging would be most useful to me but the cost of any side imaging unit is well above my budget. Most of the fishing I do is in water that is 8' or less with a lot not being more than 4'. So any FF that only looks straight down, isn't going to see much in the narrow field of view from my boat to the bottom of the lake or river.
JMichael said:
Gramps, I'm in the same boat as you (unable to determine which model I want) but for different reasons. I think side imaging would be most useful to me but the cost of any side imaging unit is well above my budget. Most of the fishing I do is in water that is 8' or less with a lot not being more than 4'. So any FF that only looks straight down, isn't going to see much in the narrow field of view from my boat to the bottom of the lake or river.

I saw a video on Quadbeam which also shoots to the side, I think it was on the HumminbirdTV channel on Youtube, it looked real interesting but I am not sure you can still buy it. It wasn't like SI or DI but 2D sonar. Sounds like it is what you need, that is assuming that it works as advertised.


Seems the 718 & 728 both will do it with the optional Quadbeam transducer
The 728 on Amazon is $299 and the Transducer is $60 same place
I'm finding next to nothing about which units that quadbeam works with and I'm not to sure if it would even do what I wanted it to since it looks down and right/left at 35° angles. That's not going to show me fish that are 10' off to one side if I'm in water that's only 4-5' deep. But that is interesting that they apparently are going to offer something new it seems.
I found the list when looking at the transducer https://store.humminbird.com/products/313988/XNT_9_QB_90_T

My guess is that it's old technology that didn't pan out, I found this advert video that is dated 2008 https://store.humminbird.com/products/271310/140c_Fishin%27_Buddy, the way I heard it in the advert was that it ended up being twice the depth

What about a Fishing Buddy you can point it in the direction you want to look https://store.humminbird.com/products/271310/140c_Fishin%27_Buddy

You might be better off with one of those underwater cameras, just a thought.....
Here's a used Hbird 778c with QB https://texasfishingforum.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/7610932/Re_Humminbird_778c_with_Quadra
Humminbird's Quadrabeam transducer (P# XNT9QB90 and T) work with the following units:

300 TX
400 TX
778c HD
788ci HD
931C DF
937C DF
PiranhaMax 180 (tri beam only)

Basically it adds the additional 35deg sonar cones on top of each side of the 83Khz (60deg) cone to open up the field of view to 90deg of coverage, offering a true 2:1 ratio of the bottom. Eg, if you're in 4' of water, you'll have 8' on the screen. In 8', you'd have 16', etc etc.

It does open your field of view, but it's not side scan by any means. I read a lot of concern about the narrowness of the cone angle at the extreme edge of the beam, as you'll loose a lot of the water column above the angle.

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