Looking to pickup this V14, thoughts?


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
Reaction score
Looking to pickup this V14, its a 98. Hopefully going to see it soon.

Trying to get some input from you all on what to checkout. Says theres no leaks, he rebuilt transom recently. I noticed a few braces are missing. Seems to have stock floor but cant tell from the pics too well.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated.

Not a bad looking boat i can’t tell if it’s a riveted boat or welded. If it’s a riveted boat no matter what the guy selling it says always go in with it probably leaks . Unless he will fill it up with water in front of you to show it doesn’t leak . There’s products like Goop coat it that will seal the bottom that you roll or brush on covering all the bottom rivets and seams and you can use Gluvit for the inside. Leaks are not a big deal the missing brace’s is more of a concern to me and new brace’s should be installed . Not hard to do if you’re handy . Boats flex and you don’t want anything bad to happen out on the water

Only other things I would look for since the transom’s new is any crack,damage or holes anywhere on the hull
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Yea, thats exactly what I was thinking too. I plan to remove that center bench seat and maybe strap a brace to the floor in the future but we will see. If its still available next week I am going to try and take a look at it. It will be a bit of a long project so I am not in a rush to get it on the water.
Rather than removing the middle seat, why not just make a walk thru, cut out an area wide enough to floor and step thru ? Will allow for much stronger sides... Look carefully at the "new" transom repair, make sure that it is done correctly and not a quick patch job. What hp rating is on the boat ? Make ?
You want to turn it into a center console? If so, I recommend you look at a 16 instead of a 14. That two feet makes a big difference for the setup you are looking at.

You don't want to modify a boat that much, and then hate how cramped it is. That is one reason so many of them go with a side console. Depending on how wide your console and boat are, putting it in the center may make it difficult to get around.

Not trying to be negative, just pointing out a few things for you to consider. That V14 looks like a nice little boat. If they aren't asking too much, it should be a good buy. Worst case, you can always replace the transom again in a few years. It's probably just fine.
It would be a side console setup, similar to the link I posted. I def dont want center console at this time!

EDIT: Welp, I wasnt quick enough to get the boat. Sold. Back to searching!
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Thats true. I found another one roughly the same distance away:

Did you get it?
If not be patient, the right boat will pop up. I waited about 6 months till I found mine (I'll start a thread after I post this) but $1900 for a 1960 Arkansas Traveler with a 99 15hp 4 stroke Yamaha and a 2015 Continental trailer.
No, I needed up with a different boat. 1990 Grumman 14ss. Super wide and deep. Trailer and 15hp suzuki 2 stroke. It’s not in the absolute best condition but I was planning to work on whatever boat I got. I just wanted the wide beam deep V. Plan to sell engine and trailer, hoping to get about 750-900 for both and that’ll set me back about $500 for hull only. I paid 1300.