man charged for assualt for breaking wind

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:roflmao: :LMFAO: OMG, That's the funniest thing i've ever heard! Farted on a Police officer...Thats Great! :lol:
:mrgreen: lol. the hole shop got a good laugh outta that. imagine what he's gonna tell the judge when he goes to court. lol
If I was him, I would have a good lawyer sue because it is a natural bodily function and though we know he probably did it on purpose, that can't be proven. I'm sure that charge would get dropped in plea negotiations.
Here is a comment left on that site....

"Ok as I understand the law, any police officer can use equal force to subdue a criminal, the next time this happens the officer should inform the alleged criminal............................STOP OR I'LL TOOT........."

:roflmao: :LMFAO:
Bubba said:
Here is a comment left on that site....

"Ok as I understand the law, any police officer can use equal force to subdue a criminal, the next time this happens the officer should inform the alleged criminal............................STOP OR I'LL TOOT........."

:roflmao: :LMFAO:

ya guys gotta stop :LMFAO:

Cop is lucky he wasn't frisken him at the time of the attack :shock:
My wife's cousin will push the window lock on the car and let one slip out. Just about the time it is noticable he says "Does that smell like something is burning, Like and electrical fire?" You know everyone inhales deeply when someone asks that.
:LOL2: :LMFAO: :roflmao: Man thats funny, had to be one nasty smell :sick:
I got permission a few years back to trap a local farm. The owner & I got to be great friends. He was an extremely large man, and sadly died from complications from gastric by-pass surgery...

Anyway, he liked to "pass gas" while I was in his truck. He wouldn't say a word, as they were SBD's (silent but deadly). One day we were in his truck, and he soon as I got a whiff, I rolled the window down, took-off my hat, stuck it out the window like a scoop & directed it right back into his face. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he thought that was the slickest idea he'd ever this day I still don't know what made me think of doing it.

Just thought I'd pass it along, it may come in handy for you guys some day :wink:

My favorite is to lock the windows from the drivers door and crack open the passengers window just as soon as I can smell it. Their window creates a vacuum and pulls it right to them. :mrgreen: