I've had both brands over the years with minimal trouble from each. Mostly Motorguide bowmounts and Minnkota transom mounts. However I have not owned or used a Motorguide for at least 10 years now. For my new boat project I need a 12 volt, 55#, preferably variable speed transom mount. Looking at buying either a Motorguide R3 variable or a Minnkota Traxxis. I've heard talk over the years that Motorguides will propel a boat a bit faster than Minnkota given the same pounds of thrust. Props are different amounts of pitch and the motors themselves run at different rpms. But I've never seen hard evidence of this. Anyone replace one brand with another with the same amount of thrust and seen a speed difference? Anyone own/use a Motorguide R3 transom mount and if so how do you like it?