OK Huge post incoming, lot's of pictures.
I was super productive today, I decided to get that fuel tank situation figured out. After looking at it for a good long while I realized that I did need to turn the fuel tank around so that the pick up was facing the rear.
After that was done I needed to decide where i was going to put the fuel fill. I really, REALLY wanted to put it on the left hand side of the boat so that when you pulled up to the the gas pumps you could fuel the boat and the truck on the same side but after looking at it and playing with the hose i realized I would be eating into my rod locker space. Moving the rod locker to the other side wasn't in the cards cause that would have made me switch the electronics bay to the other side and that would have put it opposite of where I sit while driving. Long story short I didn't want to, sometimes I get plans laid out ahead of time and just don't want to change them.
OK, so the fill is going to be on the right. Here's where the fun started. That fuel fill hose is stupid ridged. Hard to get any bends at all AND I needed to figure out a way to put a 90 deg elbow on the tank. It came pre-made with the strait up and down pipe which wasn't going to work with that super stiff hose. Ran down to the plumbing store and dude had a 1 1/2 & 1 1/4 Elbow. It was 1$ I figured i'd take it home and see whats up. It didn't fit! The gas tank is Plastic.. I've got a Heat gun... plastic gets stretchy when hot. Bam! Problem solved.
Then it was on to the fuel fill port. I wanted it outside of the boat. I could have run it strait up from the tank and saved lots of hassle but I don't want the fuel fill on the inside of the boat, too many issues waiting to happen with that. I made a nice fitting for the fuel cap and tray I had. Now it sticks out off the side of the boat and any fuel spilled will go down into the parking lot and not into my boat.
I had to start out by cutting into my nice neat framing and bracing it up. The piece that ran down the side where i wanted to put that fuel line was in the way. I had to cut out a section of it and then brace it back up in that area. I'm not sure if you can see much of it in the pictures.
Here's all the pictures.
Heat Gun in action..
90 Deg elbow in place..
Riser fabrication pictures. I used a piece of cardboard to get the curve of my fuel tray then Xfered it to the slab of aluminum. I'm also showing some photo's of how i cut it for attachment tabs.
Here's the riser in place after much bending and tweaking and cutting some chunks out of the side's with the hole saw to fit flush with the rail.
All done! I'm really happy with how this turned out. Much better than my original brain storm of doing some sort of flat box. This one has no sharp corners to get caught on or hooks to snag up in.