Well-known member
LOL..yes, and do you realize how sad that is!
azslabber said:I used all Rustoleum spray cans.That way if it got scraped up $3.48 would fix it.All the parts of this motor are aluminum,except for the cowl,which is fiberglass,I believe.I used 320 grit wet,or Scotch Brite pads in the red color.The motor was'nt all beat up so there was'nt any deep gouges or scrapes to sand out.It just looked crappy,lol.I was a prep guy about 30 years ago.Sanded lots and lots of cars.Doing this was fun,not them.Biggest thing is having a very clean surface with spray cans.And every bare aluminum surface has to be self etched.Especially the rivit heads that keep going bare if you sand then too much.You want primer on everything.No bare aluminum spots.AT ALL.3 coats of paint.Let them dry between coats until it fashes off to a flat looking before putting a second or thiird coat on.I've got 2 cans of spray paint on the motor,so far.Doe'nt take much.Will probably take three.I'm going to use clear coat over the top of everything after the stenciling is done.It's for looks and I like it,not for hiding from ducks,as I don't hunt.I think it is cool,lol.I'll show some before and after shots when it is done.