First off, I am FOR having foam in my boat. My boat is a lowe husky 1860 that I use only in saltwater. I have been having some problems with corrosion, well after doing some research I found that I have made some bonehead mistakes as far as wiring and battery placement. I have already fixed those problems. I also began thinking about the large foam boxes in the rear of my boat. I am sure they have water in them, but what if they are holding saltwater, plus I know they are not totally sealed so water can enter them from underneath. So I took the dive and cut rectangular holes in them. I started with the sides so I could attach the hindges before cutting the rest. I then stuck a long screw driver in the foam and it came out wet. Now, I know the factory foam holds water, I dont have a problem with the weight, that I know of. The whole reason for this is to stop corrosion, as in if they are holding saltwater. As soon as I began cutting the foam out, I relized that the foam may be holding more water then I thought. To be honest, by the time I get done, I am sure that I will be removing about 50 to 75lbs of foam from each side. The boxes are pretty large and I know that seems like a lot of weight but each large peice is full of water. When I finally got down to the bottom, I found that it was corroding just as I thought. Not all over the place, but pretty much anywhere outside air could get in. The further back in the boxes I went, the more water I found. The corrison seemed to be located more towards the front of the boxes. I attached some pictures, hope they download right because they really tell the story. In the end I will be glad that I did it. I worked hard to get this boat and it was slowly rotting away, luckly I can stop this and repair the minor stuff now. By the way, when I said I was having problems with corrison I meant the last time I had it out, I found a pin hole leak that was caused by corrison. My boat is always washed down and stays under a car port. All my corrison problems were in the rear of the boat. I could see corrosion pits starting under the paint. The hole was one of those pits that finally made it all the way through the hull. I do have a plan of action to repair the hole and the other pit marks. I just wanted to make sure I found the problem first.