I picked it up Saturday and I have started my checklist and wishlist. Its a '92 Spectrum Blue Fin 1606, 16.5'. Its running a '92 Mercury 40 hp 4 cylinder 2 stroke. Does anyone have experience with these boats? Is there anything I should be concerned with? What about this engine? It looks clean I was not able to hear it run. I plan to fire it up this weekend if its above freezing.
As long as the engine sounds healthy, my first project will be re-wiring the boat and trailer. I have a light kit on order for the trailer and a list started for the boat electrical. Any help or comments will be appreciated.
As long as the engine sounds healthy, my first project will be re-wiring the boat and trailer. I have a light kit on order for the trailer and a list started for the boat electrical. Any help or comments will be appreciated.