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Well-known member
May 5, 2009
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Eskdale, WV
I am remodeling a home and was trying to decide what type of water pipe t use inside. PVC, Copper or maybe PEX. Anyone have advice on which would be best.
When I built this house in 1985, I plumbed it myself w/ PVC. I sure ain't a pro, but it has never had a problem.
I remodeled the basement here and had to move the laundry room. The run was only 15 feet, the pex was so easy to work with.

Getting the manifold setup was the hardest part, after that running the lines and terminating them was simple. If you can't rent the crimper it could be a little pricy.

PVC for cold
Cpvc for hot.
or CPVC for both.

The newer PEX material may be great....but...I remember the gray plastic "stuff" that they put into zillions of homes 30 years or so ago. Many of them developed leaks after a few years. Millions were paid out in insurance claims. I tend to stick to the tried and true. R
Copper. It will last forever. I did my house about 15 years ago. I used copper. That is what we have to use to be up to code in our city. You may want to see what code is for your city. If you go to sell a house and the plumbing is not up to code, you will have to get it that way before selling. That would not be good.
pex is ridiculously easy to work with and really easy to repair. the old tubing was not really pex and is an inferior product,and builders stopped using it years ago,but you can still get joint adapters for old to new if you have the old stuff in your home.
PEX will no longer pass building code were I am in montgomery county MD. Cant get most plumbers to repair it and when they do there is no guarentee. Coppers great if you have no water problems such as well water loaded with minerals, but expensive. I replumbed with cpvc 5 years ago and no problems . Its the least expensive option and very easy to work with and repair. You just cut to size and glue, no primer required.A quality pair of cutters runs about $25. Pvc for all drain lines and vents, cpvc for all supply lines. I was quoted $5K by several plumbers and spent about $2K in materials doing the job myself. P.S. dont scrimp on valves, I can cut off every room in the house seperately. Hope this helps.
My last house in Texas had PVC for water and drains and CPVC for the natural gas. Why does that sound like a bad idea?
I have a manufactured home that had that gray stuff in it. At 10yrs old,right after I bought it we started springing leaks.I'd repair them,just to get another leak somewhere else,usually at the connections.Sometimes the lines themselves would split. Finally,to make a long story short,I started replacing everything with Copper.Now all the GrayStuff that is left is the main supply lines. My take on this is; replace with Copper and FORGET all about leaks. None of the copper has had any problems whatsoever,and I did all the work myself with NO help from anyone. The key to my rant is what bcbouy said "easy to repair"- there are NO repairs with Copper,when done correctly.