Well I didn't get to painting today, like I had planned, but finally finished stripping and cleaning up the trailer frame and the rest of the parts. I tell ya, I am really sick of stripping
Its all I have really been doing :roll: :roll: :roll: since I started this whole project.
BUT it's almost done, and I can finally move on to the fun stuff. And I am sure my neighbors are tired of hearing sanders, grinders and drills playing in their ears all afternoon :mrgreen: Anyway's here's the update.
The last few days was spent detailing the trailer parts and hitting the frame. The wheels and the frame itself took the longest to do. I got the trailer frame finished up today. Here are the wheels all cleaned up. These will be painted white.
Next up were the springs. They appear to be in good shape and will be painted black.
Here is the winch and bumper housing. It will be painted white.
The axle. Just have some minor cleaning to do near the hub heads and its done. It will be painted black.
All the trailer parts together and cleaned, with the exception of the frame itself.
All the above was done the last few days, today was the trailer frame itself. It took my whole day away to finish up, but it is
DONE!!! =D> =D> =D> Here it is before being attacked with my grinder. I lifted the frame higher off the ground, to make it easier on me and my back.
After I finished, I hit the frame with some warm soapy water, using Dawn dish soap, and a bristle brush. The metal felt pretty rough, due to all the fine metal particles and dust that was created during the stripping process. A quick wash corrected that, and got rid of the dust. With a clean work piece, the primer should adhere well. I didn't let it sit and air dry. I used a towel to dry everything up. It's feels really smooth now. The plan is to do the same thing with the rest of the parts. Right before I apply my primer, all pieces will get hit with some Acetone to nab any oils, dirt and grim.
I forgot to take a pic after I washed the frame, but heres what she looks like. The spots you see in the front angles, (the triangles) are gone.
I should have primer on tomorrow, and hopefully the first coat of paint. I plan I doing some light coats, sanding, coat, sand, etc, until I think it's done. The goal is to have the entire trailer painted by or on Friday. Got some rain in the forecast for the week, so we will see how it goes. Until then, cheers! :beer: