Update on where I'm at withe the boat
Painted the inside and the gunnels
Made up battery box holders and painted then fitted rubber to the bottom of them and fitted them in the front bench which is hidden under the casting deck
These batteries will be for the trolling motor only
Fitted the aluminum sheets into the lower floor after fitting rubber strips to the bracing to reduce noise
Fitted rubber strips to the framework for the front casting deck and fitted the aluminum sheeting in
Modified the console by lowering it and shortening the width also added 4 inches out the back of it to sit the sounder and other electrics on
Primed and painted and fitted it in
Cut the drivers chair post down by 4 inches(must have been a basket ball player owned previously LOL)painted and ready for fitting
Fitted the insert for passengers seat and the insert on front casting deck
It is getting there but nothing happens in a hurry here anymore
I will do another update as I progress slowly with fitting the forward controls and electrics before fitting the tanks and rear casting deck,then the motor
Here is a few pics
One of the battery box holders with one of the two rubber strips glued in place

The battery box's and holders fitted to the front bench

The boat as it stands at the moment with floor,front deck ,console and seat post inserts fitted