Seat Pedestals

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Mar 19, 2013
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I'm planning my boat re-model and have a newbie question about seat pedestals. I have read and looked at several pictures of the projects and mods and have noticed several mods being made with the 3/4" pin pedestal which are not rated for over 5 mph.

Does it really matter what pedestal is used for drivers/passengers seat for travelling at speeds of 20-30 mph?

i have a 16' V which may end up with a 40hp and I'm just wondering how much money I'll be spending on the seat pedestals.
Hawg'N said:
I'm just wondering how much money I'll be spending on the seat pedestals.

The answer is always- How much do you want to spend?

Springfield economy pedestals are pretty cheap. Any of the usual stores have websites that will show you the differences in prices.

While a 3/4 pin feels ok to me while fishing and I don't get the feeling it's going to break, I wouldn't use it for speeds over 5. Do you want to take the chance of a sudden break and end up in the water? Lot's of other options out there for the higher speeds.
I guess it is not a money issue, if I'm going to spend the time re-modeling a boat I'll spend a few hundred dollars on good seat peds.

What I'm really wondering is why is it when I look through all these boat mods/projects I see the Class B peds being used in all of the seats on the boat.

I'm just wondering if the rating system they use to class them is overkill and if it isn't are people paying attention to it? It doesn't appear that it really matters based on the number of 3/4 pins I see going into the boats.