Slow theft

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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2008
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Nova Scotia
Things are getting crazy ,even in small rural towns with stealing.
First i thought about some type of GPS tracking device, but i dont want to pay a monthly subsciption. Im thinking now I might take a tire off and put the boat on jack stands. I already have the coupler locked and motor chained, dont feel like taking the coupler off but may chain the axle to a tree. I realize this would only slow theivies down but just wondering what others are doing to deter thevies? I have a dog and plenty guns but we cant always be home.
taking off the tires and putting them back on every time you use the boat is too much work. Talk to your home owners insurance broker and get theft insurance on the boat. Then don't worry about it.
I have my boat in a side yard behind a locked 6' high locked gate. I use both a hitch lock and a coupler pin lock. It isn't theft-proof against a determined criminal. It might be more than the average lazy thief wants to deal with. We also have cameras. From all of the Ring videos I've seen, I've come to the conclusion thieves could care less about the cameras.

When all is said and done I think my best deterrent is the nice old lady across the street who keeps track of everything happening in the neighborhood. Haha.

We live in a town that is thought to be fairly crime free and we still do all this stuff. Kind of sad.

Edit: This is the hitch lock I use. Not too pricey.

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What's the joke? Start flying an ISIS flag, and the FBI will keep tabs on you and yours as a matter of course. :LOL2: :shock: #-o

Nothing is theft proof, unfortunately. If they want it bad enough, they'll take it. The best thing you can do is make it as inconvenient as possible for them, so they move on to the neighbors.

I wouldn't want to remove the tires, that is too inconvenient, a removable swing away tongue with a chain around the frame and through a wheel would be enough IMO. If your motor is small enough to be carried away, bolt it down, most motors have holes in the clamp bracket.

A locking hitch coupler is not that secure, a locked 2" coupler can still be slipped over a modified 1 7/8" ball and towed away, the safety chains can even be wrapped around the tongue and used for towing as well. Best to remove the tongue altogether and leave nothing for them to work with.
There is only one, sure fire way to combat thieves, and I employ it to the fullest. A very good, constantly updated and complete insurance policy.

Stop worrying about your stuff getting stolen and just insure the ever loving ---- out of it. My boat is insured for about $10k higher than what it would actually sell for. Yes, I pay probably $40 a year higher for this level of coverage but if my boat get's stolen I will get a check for $23 grand.

The only other thing I do is a cheap, simple trailer coupler lock. Yes it can be defeated in about 8 seconds, as I have proven when the key broke off in it once. It's just there for compliance.
Another reason to replace the coupler pin with a lock is to prevent some knucklehead from walking by and undoing it just for fun.
Eventually if I ever get a boat that is worth stealing, I might pour a small concrete footer in the yard with a big fold down D ring in it. Then 3/4" chain the tongue to it with a commercial grade hardened padlock. Also boat insurance as said above.


Trouble with any lock and/or chain, hardened or not is that any punk with a battery powered angle grinder with cut-off wheel can cut it off in a few seconds flat.

The only one I've seen that would really be a deterrent has a flange that slips over the rim around the ball coupler, then a piece locks up inside it. I had one, years ago. A quick google search showed me this one that is similar but much heavier duty - and a helluva lot more expensive: A thief would hafta sit down and work at it for quite a while to get this thing off.
If your going to spend big money on a lock check youtube's Lock Picking lawyer first.
Some of those expensive locks are junk.
I am all about testing products...but how many crooks are really using angle grinders and lock picks to steal boats? I would bet most are using some cheap bolt cutters? Need to ask a local officer or sheriff deputy.


I posted the above as a heads up. Not promoting that super expensive lock but using it as an example of what does work. As I stated, the one I had was far less expensive but it didn't show up on a quick google search. Anything else I've seen can be cut off in seconds with a cut-off wheel.

Don't discount what people may have in the trunk of their car. If they're prowling for something to steal, you can bet they'll have the means to take it.
I just renewed my annual ins premium. Went up 18%. According to the insurer it was a general rate increase in Calif. Still at $161 pretty decent for an agreed amount policy.
I am considering a remote security camera for our acreage (no internet at all). Does anyone know how I could broadcast a signal? Convenience store free wi-fi is 3 miles away, not sure that is legal thought. I have heard of Amateur radio packet transmitter. Is that the way to go?

Had my stored truck stolen from this property already.

Maybe a camera would get the license plate of the thieves.
CedarRiverScooter said:
I am considering a remote security camera for our acreage (no internet at all). Does anyone know how I could broadcast a signal? Convenience store free wi-fi is 3 miles away, not sure that is legal thought. I have heard of Amateur radio packet transmitter. Is that the way to go?

Had my stored truck stolen from this property already.

Maybe a camera would get the license plate of the thieves.

Maybe a pair of trail/game cameras?

GTS225 said:
CedarRiverScooter said:
I am considering a remote security camera for our acreage (no internet at all). Does anyone know how I could broadcast a signal? Convenience store free wi-fi is 3 miles away, not sure that is legal thought. I have heard of Amateur radio packet transmitter. Is that the way to go?

Had my stored truck stolen from this property already.

Maybe a camera would get the license plate of the thieves.

Maybe a pair of trail/game cameras?


Best to get a cellular cam that emails the photos. They're expensive, and require a monthly subscription, but they're the only guaranteed way to get your photos.

If the thieves see your camera, they may steal it as well, or at least grab the SD card. Then you're SOL.
MrGiggles said:
Best to get a cellular cam that emails the photos. They're expensive, and require a monthly subscription, but they're the only guaranteed way to get your photos.
If the thieves see your camera, they may steal it as well, or at least grab the SD card. Then you're SOL.

This is a downfall of trail/game cameras. The ir lights can give it away. That's why I suggested a of them well hidden, and the other not-so-well hidden. The less hidden one could be considered a sacrifice, as long as you get pics on the second one. Especially if they lead to an arrest of the thieves.

Google bicycle alarm. The one I looked at made a 113 dB alarm. Remote controlled. It is set off by movement of the bike (or boat in our case). First it gives a warning chirp. If movement continues, it goes full on. Might be a good additional deterrent. Cost under $20.