So my co worker got hosed.....H.A.R.D!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2017
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Bucks county PA.
My cow irker was hot for a boat. He wanted a small tinny to fish with him and his son and found one right down the street from work and went and put his money down.

He came to me all happy with tales of his screaming deal on a 14’ polar craft with trailer and 15hp Johnson. Now I got involved in this mess as I just went through his family’s hand me down 68 9.5 Evinrude.

I took this motor work on not knowing or caring weather I got paid for my work or not, as I apprenticed under his uncle who always treated me good and once owned the motor.

So having done that I got elected to look at a problem that came up with the new boat/motor.

The axle broke in two about three blocks from the guys house when he tried to tow it home.



So he asked me to help out. The PO offered to refund the amount of a new set of springs and axle and they settle. My co worker knowing I can fabricate offers me half of the cost of the axle to fab and weld him a new axle... piece of cake.

So yesterday we get it all done and he goes home to start cleaning up his new toy.

He pressure washed it and blew out several holes in the transom that were rotted through. :shock:

The bottom of the boat and transom were painted with bottom paint and you could see bubbles here and there, but nothing that indicated this much damage

Now the question becomes if there’s a dozen holes ranging from Nickle size and up, what is the bottom like?

Another fun fact is that the lower unit on the motor is weeping oil and I’m wondering if the boat is this bad (it’s a 2004 hull) what’s the lower unit going to be like?
Cue up Elvis ... "Return to Sender ..."

Nickel-sized holes :shock: ? Sounds to me that the hull tin is now in the stage of precipitate chloride corrosion ... which is SELF-propagating and can never be cured, less by cutting out ALL of the panels infected with it.

Sounds like to me you'd need to replace the entire hull. Also sounds like it had saltwater use and/or if truly bottom painted, someone might not have used the special copper-free antifouling paint on the bottom, as the regular copper-based paint will DESTROY a tin boat!
Wow ! Bad luck! I’ve never seen a boat that new develop holes like that unless there was something going on. Electrolysis or fished in salt water or plain lack of care . Bummer!
DaleH said:
Cue up Elvis ... "Return to Sender ..."

Nickel-sized holes :shock: ? Sounds to me that the hull tin is now in the stage of precipitate chloride corrosion ... which is SELF-propagating and can never be cured, less by cutting out ALL of the panels infected with it.

Sounds like to me you'd need to replace the entire hull. Also sounds like it had saltwater use and/or if truly bottom painted, someone might not have used the special copper-free antifouling paint on the bottom, as the regular copper-based paint will DESTROY a tin boat!

Is there any way to tell what kind of bottom paint is on there?

Some kind of test?

I desperately tried to convince him to confront the guy and get him to take it back, but he’s stuck in the head and making excuses.

And yes, left in salt water.
Hosed is putting it mildly! How much he paid versus the repairs? He should try to get his money back. Anything bigger than a pinhole is trouble, larger holes, like you described, just isn't going to be cheap.
Vader809 said:
Hosed is putting it mildly! How much he paid versus the repairs? He should try to get his money back. Anything bigger than a pinhole is trouble, larger holes, like you described, just isn't going to be cheap.

There’s no talking to him at this point.

He’s showing me material costs and talking fabricators. :x

With the bondo and bottom paint I have seen I have no doubt there is damage to the hull bottom also, but he’s not hearing it.

He’s not the sleekest boat on the lake. :wink:
I'd say your best bet is to carefully explain the disaster he's got and the absurdity of what would have to be invested to perhaps...perhaps...bring the boat back. Put this on paper if you choose, so he can sit and study it and maybe see the light.

Then, put the whole business down and back away slowly. You have done your duty, now escape before his problems become your problems.

Best wishes.
Too bad this happened to your co-worker. At least you tried. Might be best just to let it go so you don't have a problem at work.
I'd opine that with all the holes below the waterline and where the paint is, is that that was a copper-based antifouling paint that ate :shock: the aluminum.
DaleH said:
I'd opine that with all the holes below the waterline and where the paint is, is that that was a copper-based antifouling paint that ate :shock: the aluminum.

Looks more like a drive by to me.
I hope he didn't pay more than scrap price because if that bottom is painted with the same paint that is exactly what he has.

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