TinBoats 2013 Biggest Loser Challenge!


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pauldanielm said:
thanks Bass Addict. I started using myfistnesspal last year and i would do it off and on. This year i have kept it going for a full two weeks so maybe that will help with my diet.

Good luck, i lost 30 pounds last year using the calorie counting apps but i had to work my butt off and was constantly hungry. I switched to the paleo diet last August and lost another 20 pounds in a few months without much effort all the while gorging myself on good natural whole foods!
OK, not being a nutrition expert, I don't really see the difference other than whole grains are supposed to be healthier than processed grains. With an 8" tortilla coming in at 120 calories and 2 slices of bread at 130, I don't see a big difference in them from a weight loss/calorie counting standpoint.
JMichael said:
OK, not being a nutrition expert, I don't really see the difference other than whole grains are supposed to be healthier than processed grains. With an 8" tortilla coming in at 120 calories and 2 slices of bread at 130, I don't see a big difference in them from a weight loss/calorie counting standpoint.

Like I said.....
Have no idea how that compares to bread, but I like it.
01/02/13 235.5
01/04/13 230.3
01/11/13 226.5
01/18/13 226.2
01/25/13 225.8
02/01/13 224.1
02/09/13 226
02/15/13 222 Back in the right direction! :lol:
Nice Jim, that's your second biggest loss week so far but I think you're stuck in a time warp, it's not 2012 any more. :lol: I'm stuck in a rut here. Hopefully with nicer weather starting to hit n miss, I'll be a little more active outside other than work and that will help get me out of this stall.

1/2/13 -- 292
1/4/13 -- 287.6
1/11/13 - 282
1/18/13 - 276.4
1/25/13 - 276.2
2/1/13 -- 275.4
2/8/13 -- 276
2/15/13 - 276
Fixed it! Did you see the time of the post? I was heading to work. :lol:

I honestly think the scale was screwy the week before. I did cheat (heavily) for the Super Bowl, but I was real good after that......Anyway, Im happy so far, Goal is to break the 220 mark by Friday.
01/02/13 226
01/04/13 225
01/11/13 225
01/18/13 222.5
01/25/13 220
02/02/13 218.2
02/08/13 218.2
02/15/13 215.0 even. Down 3.2lb from last week. Broke the 10 lb mark. I'm so jazzed!
Congrats to Fender for breaking your 10lb mark!!! =D> =D> I didnt have time to weigh myself this morning. I woke up late for one thing, then the bridge over by my house decided that today was the day it would get stuck open, so now I am late getting to the gate to go into work and then realized that hey you forgot your id card. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) #-o #-o #-o Can this day get any worse??? LOL.
Didn't move up or down this week. Been a rough week with muscle spasms in my upper hips/lower back. Missed 3 workouts so far and ate nearly an entire pizza on Monday.

01/02/13 226
01/04/13 225
01/11/13 225
01/18/13 222.5
01/25/13 220
02/02/13 218.2
02/08/13 218.2
02/15/13 215.0 even. Down 3.2lb from last week. Broke the 10 lb mark. I'm so jazzed!
02/22/13 215.0
Well I'm depressed now, I made some changes to the diet to try and get the weight moving in the right direction again but actually gained weight.

1/2/13 -- 292
1/4/13 -- 287.6
1/11/13 - 282
1/18/13 - 276.4
1/25/13 - 276.2
2/1/13 -- 275.4
2/8/13 -- 276
2/15/13 - 276
2/22/13 - 277
Ok so since last week I didn't have time on Friday to weight myself I did it on Saturday here are my results for the week. I have lost another pound!!!

02-08-13: 203lbs
02-15-13: 202lbs
02-15-13: 201lbs
Ill join in. Did paleo last year and lost good weight, than got lazy and gained it all back and more over the winter. Started up again and I'm already getting results

Gonna get a stationary bike or something for cardio. Plus id like to start riding a mountain bike again.

2/16= 276
2/21= 269
Update on my excerise/weight loss/healthier living lifestyle. Had a couple of setbacks this month. Got sick with the flu couldn't go to the gym for 5 days. Then 2 weeks ago had a dizzy spell while driving tractor and trailer one night and thought I was going to pass out. After visiting my doctor and then going to my dentist as I had a tooth that was throbbing like I don't know what. Found out I had an infection in my gum due to a sesame seed getting stuck in my gum between a tooth and a crown I have. Floss would not get it out dentist had to dig it out. Plus crown was slightly high and had possibly caused a bruised ligament in my jaw. All this crap was affecting my inner ear area causing my dizziness and sick feeling at my stomach. No heart problems or a stroke which was a great relief. So had to use antibiotics for 10 days to fight infection, dentist ground the crown down some which hurt like a !!@#$%%%%%%%^ no novicaine because of infection, and put me off work with no driving for 4 days. So Wed. last week I finally got back in the gym after returning to work for a few days first.I'm proud to say I'm still at 302 lbs so I haven't gained any but I have also increased my workout. Am lifting more weights on all my lifts, I'm now doing 15 minutes on the recumbent bike first to warm-up, and have been walking 2 miles everyday on the treadmill at an average time of 33 minutes 30 seconds. It was only a few weeks ago that it was taking me 30 minutes to do a mile and a half and I was only able to do that 3 days a week. Now that I'm healthy again I'm hoping to continue gaining strength and lose more weight. Also the gym I go to is having a biggest loser competition at all their sites across the country for it's members and is paying out $25,000 total in prizes with the grand winner rec'g $5000 and a weeks payed stay somewhere. I'm going to sign up this morning and hopefully I can win this thing. That money would be a big addition to my retirement boat fund. :)
Starting weight 190
January 20 186.4
February 25 185 lbs

I have been holding steady at 185 since the end of January but I feel good because I am eating a lot healthier and exercising regularly.

Losing weight has not been the top thing on my mind lately. On the first of February, I got a call from the Dallas Police that my father was sitting in his living room holding a gun because he thought someone was after him. Since he did not threaten anyone, there was nothing they could do about it. I got over there and he had voices telling him that they were going to beat him up. I took the cylinder out of the gun and gave gun frame back to him, I brought him home to my house. We are working with his GP and a Psychiatrist. There is not much improvement but he is here where I can reassure him that the voices are not going to hurt him because they are not real. We are moving him out of his apartment and into senior housing where he will have more contact with people. They also have higher levels of care if it becomes necessary.

Since he is a combat veteran, he is eligible for addition VA supplemental income if we have to move him to a higher level of care. There is a special benefit program for combat veteran/s and their widows if anyone finds themselves in a simular situation.

He is 88 and went to the Pacific campaign as soon as he turned 18. He drove a landing craft at Boganville.
I slipped up one day this week after a 266 weigh in. Didnt want to drive to grocery store in crap weather so I grabbed some junk closeby and went right back to 269, shows how disciplined you gotta be to make this work

2/16= 276
2/21= 269
2/25=269 :evil:
I have been real busy the last month and haven't posted my weights, so here it is.

1/04 - 256
1/11 - 252
1/18 - 249
1/25 - 249
2/01 - 248.5
2/08 - 248
2/15 - 248
2/22 - 247

only 9 lbs in 8 weeks. not too good. It sure is harder at 62 than it was a few years ago. I have been eating pretty well but I am tied to a desk 10 hours a day for a few months (I am a CPA & it's tax season) so haven't been to the gym for a while. After April 17th I can get off my butt and get some excercise.