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fender66 said:
Five months ago I had a root canal.
Last night, I cracked that took in half flossing.
Today, dentist glued it back together and told me now I need a crown.
Tonight, broke tooth again.
Tomorrow...tooth extraction...and it's not even the same tooth!

Don't think I'll be wasting a dollar on the Lotto this week. #-o

wihil said:
I have no idea where to mount my new HDS7. It's not like I have a ton of options on a 12' boat, but I have a feeling it's probably going to end up on the bench seat in front of me.

I need a bigger boat. :(

You could mount it on my ProTeam 190TX.
nomowork said:
fender66 said:
Five months ago I had a root canal.
Last night, I cracked that took in half flossing.
Today, dentist glued it back together and told me now I need a crown.
Tonight, broke tooth again.
Tomorrow...tooth extraction...and it's not even the same tooth!

Don't think I'll be wasting a dollar on the Lotto this week. #-o


I have NEVER dated my dentist.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Was thinking about going for a swim today, but something told me to skip it.

Great website for the coolness factor: https://www.fishingfury.com

Missed out on a good deal on Craig's List today. Apparently a lot of people would rather text on the cell phones than actually talking person to person. :shock: :roll:
nomowork said:
fender66 said:
Five months ago I had a root canal.
Last night, I cracked that took in half flossing.
Today, dentist glued it back together and told me now I need a crown.
Tonight, broke tooth again.
Tomorrow...tooth extraction...and it's not even the same tooth!

Don't think I'll be wasting a dollar on the Lotto this week. #-o


How did the extatraction go fender? Still got the majority of your teeth
BassAddict said:
nomowork said:
fender66 said:
Five months ago I had a root canal.
Last night, I cracked that took in half flossing.
Today, dentist glued it back together and told me now I need a crown.
Tonight, broke tooth again.
Tomorrow...tooth extraction...and it's not even the same tooth!

Don't think I'll be wasting a dollar on the Lotto this week. #-o


How did the extatraction go fender? Still got the majority of your teeth

As far as a tooth extraction.....I guess it went okay. The best part was the two beautiful, young nurses that were at my side. :shock:
I decided to go the cheap route (unlike my wife who has to have the whole package at $400) and just get the local numbing. Cost me a total of $5.00 and a tooth. My jaw is still sore. Probably a combination of the tooth being yanked from my head, and the fact that he pulled so hard on the side of my mouth that I think he wrapped it around my ear to get it out of the way. Once he started, the tooth was out in less than 2 minutes. I was totally blown away with that. Now, once I get that crown on my only other tooth (thanks Popeye)....I should be in good shape with my chompers (both of them).

Thanks for asking. I'm feeling the love! :oops:

Not from Popeye though. :evil:
Heck with fishing for walleye or trout.

This is the future, boys - now what kind of bait do you use for a dorkfish?

