Well-known member
Rude I'm from st louis originally and take huge offense to that, I'm just joking. I know exactly what you mean I've floated the current, niangua, meremac, gasconade, eleven point, and been on jet boats in most of them as well. When I floated I usually used my own kayaks and purposely pick areas to float that canoe rental float companies didn't use so I could avoid the crowds fish and have few beers in piece. I always tried to watch out for jets and if one had to blast up a riffle usually just got to the side for them. But when your in the areas where the canoe rental places run you get a lot of drunken idiots who don't watch out. Friend of mine whose dad had a jet jon we would fish with a lot we always just tried to avoid the busier stretches of river, and if we did run into paddlers we tried to be as courteous as we could if it was in a bigger pool where we could putt by we did. When would come up on riffles and shoals we would run through when no one else was going down. It's not always possible as on busy summer days on areas where all the float companies run it can be a never ending train of idiot rafters/canoers. We never had any issues in the areas we went to with them blocking ramps for extended periods, but I don't have patience for that. Nothing irritates me more then getting to a boat ramp I pull aside to throw my crap in the boat, get it unstrapped, and ready to go to have someone else go in front of me then make me wait when I'm ready cause they are getting ready on the ramp. Same with pulling out can't stand people blocking the ramp when they shouldn't be.