Trolling motor; bow or stern?

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great white

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
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First, I've never used a trolling motor.

I am wondering the advantages and disadvantages of the bow or stern mount?

I'm guessing a bow mount is for access to it while fishing from the front deck.

Any other reasons for a bow mount vice a stern?

I must say I'm not a fan of the looks of a trolling motor hanging off the bow.

I plan to fish from the middle seat of my 12 foot "semi V" springbok ungava:


So I'm flexible either way.

I can see myself ending up with a foot control remote as it will be s stretch to reach either bow or a stern motor from the middle seat.
Generally speaking a bow mount will enable you to have better control over the boat - you pull the boat where you want to go. Also, it is just better for weight distribution.

Much of where you put you TM depends on how you plan to use it. Some guys like to stand up in the bow and use the TM to work there way around looking for fish. You keep a rod in your hand and your foot on the control so you can move in slow and cast at your intended fishing spot.

I use both depending on what and where I am fishing. If I am working edges then the bow mount is best - I can maneuver my boat while a work and area.

If I am fishing deeper and anchoring then the stern motor is used to get me over the structure with minimum noise. I will usually cut my outboard a few hundred yards from my intended area and use the stern TM to maneuver to where I want to set up.

For electric only I run three TM - two in the stern and one in the bow. The stern TM are locked in position and I control the boat from the bow pedestal seat position
Debated about this myself... I like to fish from the rear of the boat, but I like having the TM pull from the front...better I just ordered a bow mount that comes with an 18' electric cord so I can operate the foot pedal from the back where my fish locator is mounted. Best of both worlds IMO.
I have a small boat with no deck, so mine is on the transom. Most of the time I motor up river and fish as I drift downstream (stern first), backtrolling I guess you could call it, he trolling motor basically is in the front so to speak. I use the trolling motor to steer and control my speed.