who many people here tie there on flies.i just got a rotary vise and tool set for my b-day and could use any tips on were to buy materials and what flies to start on for fresh water panfish,crappie and bass
I started tying my own last winter before FnF(Float-n-Fly) got started....this was the main reason I started, then tied a few I fish for crappie too. Its not really that hard once you get started. BPS, Cabelas, Gander Mountain, alot of local bait shops.....any of these should have fly tying stuff. For Bass FNF jigs I used a 1/16oz minnow jighead and either crafthair(make sure its "hair" and not "fur" as i've heard the fur is harder to deal with) or duck feathers. Everyone really has their own preferences when it comes to colors and what they like to use, alot depends on the body of water your fishing. Here are a few pics of some FnF jigs I tied last year....
I'm really still a "newb" myself, But any questions ya got, I'll help ya out all I can as I enjoy tying my own. Gives you something to do when your bored, and also give you a good feeling to catch a fish on something you've made yourself.
I have a co-worker that ties all of his own bucktail trebles, jigs, etc. Usually during deer season, folks will save their tails for him. I don't tie my own yet, but its something I'd like to start doing.
I tie but haven't in quite a while, no trout fishing opportunities lately so I haven't been tying.
Nothing like catching one on your own ties.
As far as sources I look for a local fly shop, they will help tremendously. If there aren't any local source you can go big box with Bass Pro or Cabelas. For mail/web order there are several options like Hook and Hackle, feather craft.
also Blue Ribbon Flies-they have what's considered the best Comparadun hair on the market https://www.blueribbonflies.com/
I've tied crappie jigs on painted heads, I'd recommend pink and white marabou with some pearl crystal flash, also olive over white with flash. My thinking on patterns is that you want to imitate a baitfish so you have white on the belly with a color as the "wing". Don't tie too much marabou on or it will foul the hook, bucktail is also good but doesn't have as much movement. It's good to have both since sometimes they want more movement and other time less. On buck tail you have to tied in the bunch somewhat loosely at first so it doesn't flare too much and then get progressivly firmer on wraps.
The place where I buy most of my supplies are gonna start selling a whole line of fly tying stuff in their 2009 catalog so you might want to check them out at https://WWW.lurecraft.com.
Two sites that will help you out are
* For fly tying try https://www.flytyingforum.com/
* For jigs this is a great site https://www.crappie.com/crappie/jig-tying-jig-making-forum/
Both are sites that have helped me be able to tie something that actually catches fish :mrgreen:
I have used marabou, rabbit hair, horse hair, deer hair and even dog hair. Materials are limited only really to the imagination. At the present I prefer deer hair, but that is subject to change. I do alot of "dock shooting" and deer hair (being hollow) sinks slower.
I noticed a couple of your FnF had heads that looked like splitshot crimped onto the hook....if so, you may like to try some of Bass Pro Shops Clamshot sinkers. They are oval and make a nice minnow head shape when flattened down on the hook.
Dedawg, keep an eye on the dollar stores for materials as well. You get some nice pastel semi transparent materials when using the fibers from the artificial feather dusters at the Dollar Tree and similar stores. I also use their silver, red, and gold mylar shredding for gift bag stuffing often available there also. When tying with either, be sure to double the strand back after the initial wraps and then a few wraps over the top to Lock In the strands.