we having twins


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congrats :beer: My 2 bundles of joy are 10 months old. It is a lot of fun, make sure to stay involved and give your lady a break every once in a while.
Congrats =D> ...we too are expecting anytime now...it was supposed to be today...nothing yet [-o< ..still waiting, thank you God !...thats exactlly what the world needs ...another romanian,canadian (dutch/german/irish-romanian) :D .
Congrats to all of you.

Kids are the best mod.

My youngest gets married in 10 days. While I lived my life so I could spend as much time as possible with my kids, and have no regrets, I do miss the time we spent together. The wife and I are going through emtpy nest syndrome. We are working on plans to get reaquianted with each other again.

If I may, take the time to eat dinner as a family Sunday through Thursday. You learn so much about them during dinner.
Make one night every week or once every two weeks as date night. Hire a babysitter, and take the wife out for some alone time. We used to go to Chilli's for Chips & Salsa. It was all we could afford, however it was time for just the two of us. We still go to Chilli's about once per week, now we eat dinner there, and from time to time we meet up with some friends.

Stay involved with your kids, join a youth organization together, volunteer. Some of my best memories where while at Boy Scout campouts, coaching little league games, and teaching them to hunt & fish.
Hanr3 said:
Kids are the best mod.

Stay involved with your kids, join a youth organization together, volunteer. Some of my best memories where while at Boy Scout campouts, coaching little league games, and teaching them to hunt & fish.

Very good advice!!!!!!!!!!!

I was Mr. Mom for my son since he was 9 years old due to a divorce. I made sure his days and nights were always filled with activities. The one thing I demanded was no TV during the week days. He attended private school, played in basketball and baseball leagues, boys scouts and music.

He just bought his own house a little over a year ago so yes, that empty nest syndrome has set upon me too. It's a little strange, but at least my utility bills are much lower and now I have a parts room! :mrgreen:
nomowork said:
He just bought his own house a little over a year ago so yes, that empty nest syndrome has set upon me too. It's a little strange, but at least my utility bills are much lower and now I have a parts room! :mrgreen:

Ever see the movie "Failure to Launch"? Now that the kids have moved out, our whole house is a nakid room. :mrgreen:

I hear ya about the bills, our food, water, gas, electric, insurance, cable, and phone bills all dropped. It's like getting a raise.
Congrats young man.... love them always.....even when they are teens, celebrate their leaving home.... Get ready cause they will be back, sometimes to stay for extended periods of time..Try to get them to clean the garage since they came back....good luck with that
I guess your hands are full, literally!

Bet you can't keep up with my brother. He has six boys ranging in age from twenty something to six years old! :lol:
butchertony said:
thanks yall..i aready have a 17-16 and a 4yo
Congrats!!!!!!!!! They are beuatiful!!!! I just hope they take after their Mom!!!! LOL!!!!!!! :LOL2: :LOL2: :LOL2: