Worried boat is too shallow


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2017
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South Dakota

So i have this small aluminum I was excited to throw a deck on so I would have a nice looking fishing boat (really think its ugly right now and not a huge fan sitting on the bench fishing.)

Its definitely not as tall as most peoples mods and was curious if there is a general rule of thumb to follow when deciding to mod a boat. Have very little money and alot if my mod is done along the lines of "What can I get for free" like boat.

Dont have the cash or the ability to convince the woman I need to buy an aluminum boat.

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Depending on where you are fishing, conditions and weight.

It is shallow, and won't handle rough conditions even in its current state.

That said, some small modifications will make it more appealing, a deck not being one of them.

You could remove the benches, put a false floor in and sandwich flotation foam(garage door insulation) between it and the hull and use a spider chair for a seat.

It's not what you want, but it will get you off of the bench and in a chair. It will also make it more appealing to a potential buyer when you are able to upgrade.

Good luck and be safe
Lap - Welcome Aboard.

for some in depth information that may help you,
check out this thread: https://forum.tinboats.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9074

and to answer your question:
yes - there is a general rule of thumb to follow when deciding to mod a boat.
your boat must be big enough to mod - you must be small enough to be safe in that boat.
you must not venture into unsafe waters with an unfit boat.
if you do go out in an unfit boat - never go further from shore than you can comfortably swim.

I would clean it out well & maybe paint the sides.

Foam under 1/2 ply floor between the 2 bench seats would make it easier to stand up in.

Save the rest of the mod money for the next boat a few years from now. Watch CL & sometimes a great deal on a nice boat pops up.
remove the rear two benches. foam the floor and a sheet of plywood with some outdoor carpeting to keep it cheap.use your existing seats and these stands. will look good and give you versatility to move seats aroundstand.PNG
If you do remove the benches you will have to add some kind of support for the sides of the hull.
Don't remove the benches!! You are already taking a very small, older boat, why try to diminish it's integrity further!?!

Like others have said, a raised deck would make that boat a barrel on the water. To get an idea, stand on one of those benches (at your own risk) and move around. You may just go for a swim!

That boat is what it is. I don't even think I would feel comfortable fishing another person on there besides me, and I am 136lbs.

Have you fished the boat before? If not take it out so that you can see the dynamics of it before you do anything. Like other have said, some foam insulation board with some stall mat or THIN plywood would help some.

Best thing that you could do at this point is save your energy and do as little to that boat as possible, and save up for something more comfortable. That is a farm pond boat at best. I am not trying to be negative, just realistic. That is one of the smallest boats that I have ever seen. Just don't want you investing too much into it if it will not turn into what you are looking for. Trust me, I have been there, done that!!
Looks way too small and shallow as you say. I don't see any flotation in it either.
Be careful with that boat.
Ive duck hunted in it i the past, but has been a pond boat. To be fair to my memory we fit 3 people and hunting gear in it no problem [emoji14] i believe its a 12 foot boat, havent dont any measuring. Once it warms up ill playing tip the boat lol.

Was thinking id test the stability and at most do my front deck if it doesnt tip as easily as we are all assuming.

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Another angle of it. Have 2 more aluminums out at my Dads that are deep enough (couple feet longer also) that i may try talking him out of instead of taking this one lol

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Clean it, paint it, sell it. Use that $ for the next one. Not saying it's a bad boat, just not fit for what you want to do with it!
I'm with the others, maybe a small flat area on the floor between the rear and middle bench and use it. Raise your center of gravity too much on a boat that small is asking for trouble.