Came out good in this - 3 years US Army, 1 year Vietnam; 10 years in the building trades, remodeling, additions & builder - all trades experience - during which time I was a hunting and fishing maniac; 30 years law enforcement; All these gave me a lot of experience/training in a lot of areas in my life (BTW, I'll be 60 in March, so a lot of life experience). So, I'm right at around 93 out of 100 that I have done or could do (only 5 I haven't done that I believe I could).
Three definate "no's"....
Tackle steep drops on a mountain bike ----- Definately a no
Escape a rip current --- ha, maybe 40 years ago
Conquer an off-road obstacle -- never did off-road driving, but proficient in emergency/pursuit/evasive driving?
Five possible/probables....
Escape a sinking car - never have, but know how to
Check trouble codes - never done it, but could if I had the little meter/computer thingy?
Use a French knife-- Probably can, but don't know what they are calling a "French" knife??
Ditch your hard drive - can replace it -- don't know what "ditch" means
Not bragging, just old and experienced