Hey all, sorry for lack up updates. Had one kids birthday, another kid sick, couple church commitments, and other things going on. Mostly wife's work schedule the past couple weeks haven't given me loads of time to be noisy in the garage, but such is life.
Maybe a controversial post, but what's done is done:
Decided to take the seats out for the following reasons:
- the small gap under them is annoying and I don't want to lose things under it or clean under it.
- ribs run full length of the boat, and either side of each seat so they are still giving support to the sides.
- I was suspect of the state of the foam underneath, and it would appear that after 50 years, that concern was warranted. 2 types of foam is weird, and there is a significant amount missing. I know that i will be adding back more foam than there originally was under the seats, so I'm not worried about losing the foam.
- removed 28 lbs. wheeeeee weight savings.
- the seats were extremely dinged, dented, bent, drilled into, etc. If I want to frame any flooring/decking/storage in or around the seats (and I do), I'm going to have to frame out what I want anyways. There isn't really a flat surface left on these old seats.
- the framing I add back in will help replace any lateral bracing I have removed, and then some. I am not an engineer, but I'm fairly confident that this thing will be stiffer than stock once framing and flooring are in, at a fraction of the weight.
- The seats were limiting in how much open floorspace I had between them. I gain more freedom with layout this way.
- found 3 old wasps nests under there.
- this gives me more freedom with deck height. I think for stabilities sake, I want my decking to be a little lower than the original seat height. 2 inches lower will not decrease deck space in a meaningful amount, but I think will increase stability while standing.
I realized after taking the first one out that I definitely did it the hard way. I later found my brain, along with the appropriate drill bit and took the 2nd one out in no time flat.

Now that they are out, I will be brazing to fill the new holes that I made. Got about a third of them done, i'll see to the rest this week. Hopefully wed. and fri will yield some garage time.
Also starting to mock up my two designs for framing to see which I like better. My aluminum order just came in, and I'll be picking it up tomorrow.