Well I've had loads of time this weekend to play in the garage so here we are!

It's been fun playing adult erector set all weekend. Been careful with the fit and things feel real solid. Happy with everything so far. If you're wondering why one of the crosspieces has a load of relief cuts in it, I had a long piece prepped for use as a side rail before I tested out bending (oops) and decided to recycle it since it is still strong in the vertical direction. It will also get a layer of 1/16" flat stock riveted on top of it to flush it up before flooring so I'm not worried about it. It is also in one of the spots that has a second piece of angle doubling it, feels pretty strong.
Most all the vertical supports were done the same or similar to the one pictured above. Combination of countersink rivets where needed, and non-countersink where not needed.
One the subject of countersinking, I was drilling some real garbage holes with my cheap 4-fluted countersink bit. I went and got a zero-flute bit set from
Harbor Freight and it was even 30% off. cant beat the price, and the results have been perfect every time, no fuss.
As this begins to reveal some of my future plans, hopefully none of you are disturbed by this look into my devious machinations for the future. Here there be dragons.