Ok, she got sanded (3 days) this week. After that I applied Gluvit and set a heater underneath to keep things warm while it cured on Thursday and Friday. Today (Sat) I sanded down a few spots where the Gluvit ran a little and a couple spots where leaves blew onto the epoxy. Then I blew it all off with the air compressor and then wiped it down in white vinegar.
I rolled the entire hull with Alumahawk (light blue). Then I went over the sides with TotalBoat Topside paint in flag blue. It is so dark, it almost looks black in the picture. Overall, it's a huge difference from when I got her. I sent a picture to the guy I bought it from and he responded a while later saying he didn't know why he got that picture but then he recognized my name and had to look more closely because he did not recognize it as the same boat. lol

I rolled the entire hull with Alumahawk (light blue). Then I went over the sides with TotalBoat Topside paint in flag blue. It is so dark, it almost looks black in the picture. Overall, it's a huge difference from when I got her. I sent a picture to the guy I bought it from and he responded a while later saying he didn't know why he got that picture but then he recognized my name and had to look more closely because he did not recognize it as the same boat. lol