Well-known member
Back in February I purchased a 1988 Nissan 5hp (#NS5B). Looked great, started great, great compression, lower unit oil was great etc.. Anyway, the catch is..It's not pumping water (feel air but no moisture). I removed the lower unit, took off the pump housing bolts & low & behold there was the pieces (3.5 blades out of 5-not good!). Found a small piece of the impeller & removed it. And Naturally, I replaced the impeller, put it all back together (what a royal pain in the arse that was!), placed it in a 35 gallon barrel, filled it with water, started the motor &... TA DA- NOTHING! Lots of air but, again NO water. After talking again to the local Nissan dealer (& wondering if perhaps I put the impeller in upside down ), I took out the impeller, turned it around & put it all back together again. Started it & ZIPPO! Lots of air but no water :-x . The water pump housing is in great shape (ditto for the wp gaskets). And I blew a small amount of air through the motor (20lbs or so). So someone PLEASE tell me they have some idea/suggestions what in the world is going on? Don't really have the ca$h to doll out for the marina to fix it. And yes, I made sure the chuck/key was properly placed on the shaft both times.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I viewed both of the engine boards here & at iboats (plus youtube) before posting. Lots of helpful tips but no exact answers to my specific problem).
Back in February I purchased a 1988 Nissan 5hp (#NS5B). Looked great, started great, great compression, lower unit oil was great etc.. Anyway, the catch is..It's not pumping water (feel air but no moisture). I removed the lower unit, took off the pump housing bolts & low & behold there was the pieces (3.5 blades out of 5-not good!). Found a small piece of the impeller & removed it. And Naturally, I replaced the impeller, put it all back together (what a royal pain in the arse that was!), placed it in a 35 gallon barrel, filled it with water, started the motor &... TA DA- NOTHING! Lots of air but, again NO water. After talking again to the local Nissan dealer (& wondering if perhaps I put the impeller in upside down ), I took out the impeller, turned it around & put it all back together again. Started it & ZIPPO! Lots of air but no water :-x . The water pump housing is in great shape (ditto for the wp gaskets). And I blew a small amount of air through the motor (20lbs or so). So someone PLEASE tell me they have some idea/suggestions what in the world is going on? Don't really have the ca$h to doll out for the marina to fix it. And yes, I made sure the chuck/key was properly placed on the shaft both times.
Thanks in advance.
P.S. I viewed both of the engine boards here & at iboats (plus youtube) before posting. Lots of helpful tips but no exact answers to my specific problem).