Update on the new 20hp suzuki,from sources that i got from another site,these motors have had problems out of the box with the efi not working properly.I guess it's some type of glitch in the system and the motors are hit and miss.I'm sure that suzuki has fixed the issue by now.The source i got it from is a primary tohatsu/merc dealer but is now carrying the suzuki brand.They tested the suzuki against the tohatsu,the results were pretty close but the tohatsu has more quite a bit more torque out of the hole and was 2mph overall at the top end.I guess not to overwhelming.That is by what they tested,of course on the same boat,persons,fuel etc....Everything was exactly the same.
Now the suzuki did start easier (efi) and also weighs 18lbs less then the tohatsu/merc.The suzuki got a bit better gas milage and ran smoother.The tohatsu is a 351 cc outboard and the suzuki is a 327 cc outboard,plus the suzuki is a 2.08 gear ratio compared to the 2.15 gear ratio of the tohatsu.
This is the information i just wanted to pass on to anyone that is interested in buying one as i am.If anyone has anymore info to add or anyone has bought one since i last posted in dec that would be great if you have anythying to add to this.As far i can see the new 15/20hp suzuki is going to be an amazing motor as all suzuki's are.Top of its class in due time,especially being an efi motor is an awesome thing.